A School of Medicine student society has won GP Society of the year, for the second year running.
This month we would like to celebrate 11 students who have received commendations in October. Congratulations! Thanks for the going the extra mile.
Liverpool's take on the Student Wilderness conference this year saw 300 attendees at a campsite in North Wales work together, learn, and even fit in some yoga and a ceilidh.
The President of the RCGP, Mayur Lakhani, was greatly impressed with the representatives of our School of Medicine in attendance at the recent Mersey Faculty Awards.
Not one but three student doctors have been selected as Elite Athletes by SPORT Liverpool.
We are looking for ten student doctors who are excited about the prospect of being part of a new initiative, to promote research - open to all years including intercalating students.
Congratulations to Alice Ismail who won the inaugural EXPRESS project with a video submission of a ‘Teddy Bear Visit to Hospital’.
Following several years of joint working between the University and army personnel in Liverpool 208 Field Hospital, each year our Year 1 Student Doctors stay overnight in Altcar Training Camp to experience leadership as taught by the army.
A Student Doctor at the Liverpool School of Medicine has recently been published.
This month we would like to celebrate 9 students, plus a whole group who worked together on the simulation course, who have all received commendations for going above and beyond in their work and studies. Congratulations!
This month, we are celebrating a fantastic Year 3 Student Doctor for going above and beyond.
Our annual Student Prize Giving Evening was a great way to start 2019. The evening celebrated students who have achieved distinction academically, as well as demonstrating excellence in a range of areas including leadership, innovation and advocacy.
Congratulations to the SNOGS society on another successful conference and charity event.
The National Student Survey is opening on the 4th Feb, giving all final year students the opportunity to share their #LivUniMemories.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of our INSPIRE School of Medicine Research Advocates. Congratulations!
We want to recognise and celebrate outstanding performance amongst our students, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine.
The revised School of Medicine Professionalism Policy has been launched this week (commencing 25th March 2019). This is being introduced as a pilot to the end of this academic year.
Neurosoc have been busy over the last month hosting both their annual charity talent show and the Liverpool Neurology and Neurosurgery Conference.
We want to recognise and celebrate outstanding performance amongst our students, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine.
The RCP building on campus hosted a week of simulated clinical practice, virtual reality and workshops to prepare Year 5 Student Doctors for Foundation Training.
Three Year 4 student doctors, Sumirat Keshwara; Natasha Varshney and James Baker, were joined by Professor Scott and Executive Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Louise Kenny this week to celebrate each winning a prestigious Wolfson Foundation Intercalated Award.
The 11th annual Guild Awards was an evening of celebration - rewarding and thanking the students, staff and community members who go above and beyond to make Liverpool a fantastic place to study.
Two of Liverpool’s student doctors have demonstrated that their talents, passions and hard work extend beyond medicine – by winning BandSoc’s annual battle of the Bands at the legendary Cavern Club.
We want to recognise and celebrate outstanding performance amongst our students, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine.
Five of our Year 3 student doctors presented on their chosen History of Medicine topic at this year's Liverpool Medical Institute's Annual Prize Evening.
Over the summer, work will be ongoing to reinvigorate the learning and social environment of Cedar House, ready for the start of the next academic year.
We recently announced that as School, we would be starting a new prize draw as a way to show our thanks to those of you who took the time to fill out all formal evaluations over the year.
I really love this time of year: seeing familiar faces returning ready to explore the next stage of their journey, as a ‘doctor in waiting’ and welcoming those who join us for the first time, from near or far.
Did you know that all Medical students have free access to ClinicalKey Student, which is an interactive medical education platform containing textbooks, study tools, and a library of video resources?
The new feature on your e-portfolio - celebrate your achievements of excellence; record evidence of clinical activity which demonstrates your commitment to a chosen career pathway, and mark extra-curricular opportunities relevant to your future career.
The annual memorial match between alumni and current students, in honour of Dr Chris Wragg, was a success once again – with the students taking home the trophy at the end of the day.
The School of Medicine is delighted to announce that the winner of the W F Jones Prize in General Practice for 2018/19 is Kiran Masaun - many congratulations Kiran!
Computing Services have updated the University's video lecture viewing platform, Stream, to improve usability, speed and storage.
September hasn’t only been an excuse to grab both umbrellas, and sunglasses, sometimes on the same day (Welcome to the North!) but it also saw the beginning of our new Year One Student Doctors’ journey into Medicine.
Last year, the most popular news story with our students each month, without fail – was the announcement of the Student Commendations! And it is our favourite story too. Well done to all our winners.
Whilst looking online for careers advice and information can be helpful, nothing quite beats being able to spend uninterrupted time with an expert.
At the Liverpool School of Medicine, we are proud to be home to an ethnically and culturally diverse student population, who share the goal of becoming qualified medical practitioners.
We are proud to announce the Student Doctors who have been appointed as the new INSPIRE Student School of Medicine Research Advocates for 2019-20.
IntoUniversity is an award winning education charity, which provides local learning centres where students from disadvantaged backgrounds are inspired to achieve.
As the School welcomes 333 new student doctors to start their medical careers in Liverpool, the MBChB Admissions team would like to say a big thank you to all the wonderful students who have enthusiastically helped us throughout the academic year in delivery of a number of high-quality and well-received recruitment events.
We want to recognise and celebrate our student doctors, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine. We often hear about excellence, and commendation forms are the formal system to record these instances, and just as importantly, to provide positive feedback to hard working individuals and organisations.
Firstly, I would like to take the time to thank those of you who took time to come with me to remember Adam Hughes. It was a difficult day and the family really appreciated your presence.
Over 100 clinicians representing 61 specialties joined us at the Adelphi Hotel for our annual Medical Careers Fair last week.
The School's annual student prize evening marks the opportunity to publicly celebrate our student doctors who have demonstrated academic excellence, and exceptional skills in a range of areas including leadership, innovation and advocacy.
The Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Dame Janet Beer, visited Cedar House to see our refurbished building in action, which we were very proud to showcase.
We want to recognise and celebrate our student doctors, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine. We often hear about excellence, and commendation forms are the formal system to record these instances, and just as importantly, to provide positive feedback to hard working individuals and organisations.
Christmas. The season when we try to do lots of other stuff on top of our normal study and work and can end up feeling less than festive! Everyone has their own way of recharging their batteries. This is mine - in her Halloween costume!
Congratulations to our eight student doctors closing out 2019 with hard-earned commendations!
We bribed some of you with mince pies as you passed through the Student Hub in order to get a nose into your plans for your festive break. Thank you to all the students who shared their stories and partook in a pie!
As we approach the Christmas holiday break, as well as wishing you all the best for the Christmas break and a happy new year, we also wanted to update you on a new wellbeing service within the University and arrangements for the School of Medicine wellbeing service over the holiday period.
Over 40 of our student doctors graduated for their intercalated degrees at Liverpool this December. It is great to see many of our students choosing a wide variety of programmes for their intercalation year. Congratulations to all our returning cohort who have ended 2019 by celebrating in a cap and gown!
We are continuing to develop the student facilities available at Cedar House, based on your feedback. You told us you would like an accessible way to top up your anatomy understanding and refresh your knowledge, throughout your whole MBChB course.
At Liverpool School of Medicine, we are extremely proud of our diverse body of modern student doctors and we appreciate the concerns some of you have raised regarding balancing dress code due to faith, and the requirements for acceptable surgical attire whilst on placement.
To start the new decade, we are celebrating seven students this January who have received commendations!
It was lovely seeing the celebrations throughout Liverpool for Chinese New Year last weekend!
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us, and let us know what we can do to make the School of Medicine work better for you. In response to many of your requests, we are pleased to announce a new School Booking System.
Following the success of your student-led research initiatives over the last 12 months, we are pleased to announce our INSPIRE funding has been renewed for two more years, allowing us to support your research activity with even more opportunities!
This month we are celebrating eight students whose hard work has earned them commendations!
Following the recent addition of the new Anatomy Study Room at Cedar House, check out what resources are available for all our students, every weekday, 8am-9.30pm.
The hard working volunteers from our Paediatric Society have started running their new Bedside Play Volunteer Scheme earlier this month, to help the children of Alder Hey pass the hours, with a laugh or two promised along the way!
Student Doctors prove they are talented on the ward, and on the pitch.
Did you flip some pancakes on Tuesday?
What a month! What a new world we live in! What a School community!
We know this may be a particularly difficult time for some of you, as we drastically adapt our lives, and many of you will be seeing fewer people than normal, especially loved ones.
Now more than ever, we want to take the time to really thank, and celebrate those students going the extra mile.
The Liverpool Research Society proudly hosted their 5th annual conference at the end of February.
Congratulations to Nikita Bhoombla, who has had an article that she worked on published in Paediatric Drugs 2020.
Year 3 Student Doctor, Emma Jackson, has been volunteering at Whiston Hospital for the past month. She tells us all about how she's gotten on.
The Sir John Ellis Student Prize was set up by The Junior Association for the Study of Medical Education (JASME) to encourage, promote and support medical education research initiated by students and junior doctors.
As we all adjust to studying and working from home, it is easy to get distracted or lose motivation. Here are a few tips from the School on how to work through those motivational dips.
Commendations recognise student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.
Isn’t it wonderful to have things to look forward to and also to appreciate how much we normally take for granted? Like me, I am sure you are looking forward to a little time off work, but perhaps even more, the time when we will be able to be together again on campus.
Get to know some of the students representing the class of 2020 by reciting the Declaration of Geneva at your graduation ceremony. Meet Chloe Queenan.
We have been working to make sure that this year's set of graduations is special, and one of the ways we have done this is to bring together some of our students to read the Declaration of Geneva. We asked these students some questions to get to know them a bit better.
Gaurav Rattan Vashisht is one of the students who will be reading the Declaration of Geneva for the School of Medicine's 2020 Graduation ceremony. He answered some of our questions, so that you could get to know him better.
The students who are reciting the Declaration of Geneva for this your graduation ceremony 2020 have answered our questions about their experiences at the School of Medicine and their hopes for the future. Here is what Priya Biju told us.
Jihee Youn, one of the students who is reading the Declaration of Geneva at this years Graduation, answered our questions about her highlights from her time at the School of Medicine.
Get to know some of the students representing the class of 2020 by reciting the Declaration of Geneva at your graduation ceremony. Meet Jenna Blackaby.
Professor of Molecular Oncology, Mark Boyd, who also holds the roles of Supra Theme Lead for Science and Scholarship, and the Theme Lead for Science and Medicine at the School, has been working with coronavirus swab samples at the Virus Isolation Lab at Alderley Park. He told us what it's like to be working with the virus.
As 5th September was International Day of Charity, we thought it would be a great time to look back at some of our Society fundraising from the past year as well some of the current fundraising taking place.
Congratulations and a warm welcome to our new Course Reps for the year!
Latest advice and guidance from The School of Medicine Student Welfare and Support for Studies Team.
The School of Medicine is lucky to be powered by a number of inspirational women: from our leadership team through to clinical services, professional services and, of course, our students.
We have been delighted to see the rescheduled in-person ceremonies for the Class of 2020 and 2021 taking place in our new Yoko Ono Lennon Centre on campus over the past few months.
Congratulations to Maria Hanif on her success in The Wolfson Foundation intercalated degree awards.
The Little Blue Booklet Liverpool aims to help students navigate welfare services across the city.
Liverpool Medical School 1960 Alumni, Professor Dame Averil Mansfield CBE has won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Daily Mirror's Pride of Britain Awards.
Year 4 student Daisy Crane has been awarded the Norton Walford Prize for best student on the course during her intercalating year whilst studying a BSc in Human Physiology at the University of Liverpool.
We were honoured to welcome back our 1968 medical alumni for an afternoon of reliving memories and rediscovering their old campus stomping ground.
Medical society NeuroSoc hosted a fantastic welcome event for our first-year students last week, marking one month since our new students began their medical journey.
Black History Month celebrations have filled the city throughout October with a whole host of inspiring, creative and educational events. Our BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Medics society has been busy organising fundraising events for two charities that are making a positive impact on health care in Black communities.
Student Spotlights pass the mic to our student doctors, to hear their take on their School experience and shine the light on a particular role, team or pathway through the School of Medicine.
Our current First Year Student Doctors undertook the annual trip to the Altcar Training Camp last week, as part of an ongoing collaboration between the School of Medicine and army personnel in Liverpool 208 Field Hospital.
As part of this year's Welcome Week, we spoke to each of the outgoing year-groups to ask what their advice for the upcoming year would be, starting with Dr Marston and her advice for the new Fifth Years.
Earlier in term we spoke with F1 Doctor Katie Marston about her top tips for Fifth Year - now it's Fourth Year's turn with Hannah and Jessie!
Our top tips series continues! This time with Fianna and Tanika offering their best tips for our current Third Year Student Doctors to make the most of their studies.
In March, Liverpool School of Medicine returned to Aintree Racecourse for the final round of clinical assessments for our graduating final year students.
Year Three Student Doctor Imran Farhad was accepted to present at the European Association of Neurological Societies, an international conference that took place in Marseille.
Since graduating from Liverpool School of Medicine in 2004, Dr Ellen Welch has travelled the world as an expedition doc and cruise ship medic. Now a GP in Cumbria, her new book Why Can’t I See My GP? (link) tracks the evolution of General Practice and what its future might look like.
Last weekend the LMSS (Liverpool Medical Students Society) completed their annual charity walk, this year taking on the Borrowdale 7 Challenge in the Lake District – that's seven peaks including England's highest, Scafell Pike.
This September, the School was delighted to welcome back the Class of 1969 to mark 55 years since graduation. The tight-knit group has never lost touch and still meets regularly to share fond memories of time spent in Liverpool.
Liverpool School of Medicine has been all a buzz the last couple of weeks with welcome activities including a wellbeing wonderland, mentor-led walking tour and societies fair to help our newest student doctors feel at home.
Welcome to the start of a wonderful academic year! For some it may be your first year with us as new Year 1 students or the first year of our updated Graduate Entry programme and I hope you will enjoy making the most of every moment for, as Year 5 students will share, the journey is over all too quickly!
Student Spotlights pass the mic to our student doctors, to hear their take on their School experience and shine a light on a particular role, team or pathway through the School of Medicine.
Huge congratulations to Beth Harrison, Joe Moody and Emelia Bature who have received a prestigious Wolfson Foundation Intercalated Award to support their research degrees this year.
Have you grabbed your (free!) ticket to the medical careers event of the year? On Wednesday 6th November, consultants and trainees from 50 specialties will descend on Cedar House ready to share all the ins and outs of what it’s really like to practise in their clinical area.
This month, I have enjoyed a few days off, stomping through the bright crisp autumn leaves with my dog. As the vibrant colours of autumn blow surround us, I’d like to take a moment to wish a joyous Diwali to all who are celebrating!
In November 2023, the School of Medicine introduced a new role to complement the wellbeing and academic support already in place for medical students.
The School of Medicine has partnered with Peloton Liverpool Cooperative to provide student doctors with affordable, active and sustainable transport to and from clinical placement, with 50 bikes snapped up so far this year.
It’s hugely important to have processes in place so the voices of students can be heard. This year’s Course Reps have now been elected and will play an essential role in representing student interests and working with staff to implement positive change. Course Reps cover all issues that affect the student experience, focusing particularly on the feedback and input of the peers in their year groups. Throughout the year, Course Reps meet regularly with senior School staff at the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) to voice issues, share ideas and discuss solutions. Introducing your Course Reps for 2024-25!
At Liverpool School of Medicine, we’re committed to selecting future clinicians from diverse backgrounds who show the potential for compassionate care and academic excellence.
As part of our commitment to CPD, we like to introduce the new Director of Educator Development, Dr Imran Zakria, who will be overseeing our Faculty of Academic and Clinical Educators scheme whilst Dr Victoria Tippett is on a period of maternity leave.
We’re delighted to announce the following winners of School Prizes for 23-24. Each year, the School awards a series of prizes for outstanding achievements in a variety of areas across the MBChB programme.
Student Spotlights pass the mic to our student doctors, to hear their take on their School experience and shine a light on a particular role, team or pathway through the School of Medicine.
This year, our First Year Student Doctors participated in their annual teambuilding trip at RAF Woodvale, marking a continuation of the collaboration between the School of Medicine and personnel from the 206 MMR (Multi-Role Medical Regiment) Field Hospital in Liverpool.
Prize winners and their special guests gathered at Cedar House this November to celebrate their outstanding accomplishments in the 23-24 academic year. Yes, it’s Prize Evening time!
Student Spotlights pass the mic to our student doctors, to hear their take on their School experience and shine a light on a particular role, team or pathway through the School of Medicine.
The School is celebrating an amazing achievement as three of its students claimed top honours in the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Mersey Faculty Student Poster Prize for 2024.
This November, hundreds of student doctors descended on Cedar House to meet with clinicians practising in 52 medical specialties – 36 of which were areas students hadn’t considered before the enormously successful careers event.
As we’re now officially into the season of gratitude, don’t miss out on the chance to give your thanks and recognition to someone you know who has made a difference this term.
On a wet and windy Sunday in November, Liverpool Medical School Performing Arts Society Artefacts brought warmth and joy to the city with their annual Variety Show. Held under the banner of inclusivity and creativity, the afternoon was a dazzling showcase of talent, camaraderie, and charitable giving.
Student Spotlights pass the mic to our student doctors, to hear their take on their School experience and shine a light on a particular role, team or pathway through the School of Medicine.
Hope. Hope for peace, hope for health, both planetary and human, hope for humanity shown to all.
Congratulations to School Alumnus and Resident Doctor Dr Anthony Robinson who was chosen as Mersey & West Lancs Employee of the Month this November.
After taking home the much-coveted LMSS Surgical Case Presentation Cup earlier this year, Student Doctor Becky Waite had the chance to present at the Liverpool North West Surgical Society annual meeting this December.
Congratulations to Year Two Student Doctor Jackie Oien on securing an OBB Research Fund to support her study into referral pathways in children’s orthopaedic surgery. See how an injury whilst on the GB fencing team inspired her to help other ‘sporty’ kids.
Year 4 Student Doctor Natalie Limaye is celebrating coming first in the poster competition at this month’s Royal Society of Medicine's Future Orthopaedic Surgeon's Conference in London thanks to her RS3 project on Achilles Tendon ruptures.
Since its launch four years ago, the Spirit of Liverpool Prize has been awarded to six stand-out students, nominated by their peers for going above and beyond expectations and being a true advocate for the School of Medicine.
Jess Johnstone Pratt earnt herself a Student Shout Out last term for her role in organising Liverpool Wilderness Medicine Society’s Intro Weekend. Here she lifts the veil on all that entails – cue fake blood, moulage and Australian accents(?)
As an undergraduate, Meera Shankar has maximised every opportunity for student research, notching up award wins, presentation opportunities and even a research fellowship in NYC in the process.
Congratulations are in order on the School’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab achieving a Bronze LEAF Award for its commitment to becoming more environmentally sustainable. And what’s more, it was a student’s RS3 project that helped secure the award.
Gong hei fat choy! I love seeing the Chinese New Year lanterns adorning the trees in town and the academic intelligence and determination associated with the year of the Snake is certainly resonating in the School!
The stage was set, the sequins sparkled, and the competition for the glitterball trophy was in full swing at this year’s LMSS and Artefacts Strictly Come Dancing, all in support of two incredible charities. We caught up with LMSS Charity Reps Jessica Longden and Katie Maxwell, who shared their highlights from the unforgettable night.
The climate crisis is no longer a distant threat—it’s already affecting healthcare. Rising temperatures, extreme weather, and worsening air quality are driving up cases of respiratory diseases, mental health issues, and resource shortages.