Dr Steven Toh brought the house down at the Class of 2022 graduation ceremony with a heart-warming tale about his patient Grace. He’s now touching more patients’ lives as an FY1 doctor on the Specialised Foundation Programme in Newcastle.
“The first day working and taking full responsibility for our patients was one of mixed excitement and apprehension. I feared being the first to the scene of a cardiopulmonary arrest, which would be indicated by red alarms blaring throughout the department. Thankfully, that did not happen to me!
Learning and performing more complicated practical procedures has definitely been the highlight of my foundation year so far.
Whether it be fascia iliaca hip blocks, chest drain insertion, or suturing of a head laceration, it is very satisfying as it provides instant relief to the patient as well!
It can be daunting when A&E waiting times hit 8-10 hours with winter pressures and nationwide strikes. At times I do feel stretched and worry about providing the best care to my patients.
One interaction which really touched my heart was when a patient remembered me from when I had treated her in A&E previously and was grateful for the care provided.
Those are the moments where you realise that you have made a positive difference in another person's life.
Being an FY1 is a steep learning curve and can definitely be challenging at times. I think task prioritisation and staying calm and collected are useful in helping me to perform my best in a hectic environment.
Maintaining good personal wellbeing is critical to ensure a long and successful career in medicine!”
Lovely to hear from you Steven! Take a look at Steven’s rousing graduation speech in our Class of 2022 graduation story (link). Browse through more tales from our past graduates over on our Alumni Stories page (link).