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Student Commendations - April 2019

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We want to recognise and celebrate outstanding performance amongst our students, on clinical placements and within the School of Medicine.

We often hear about excellence, and commendation forms are the formal system to record these instances, and just as importantly, to provide positive feedback to hard working individuals and organisations.

Celebrating this month

Tommy Brown, nominated by Dr Jake Cowen for exceptional medical school ward shadow placement on Respiratory Ward.

Michael Clucas, for offering teaching and support to second year students on the MBChB programme.

Cillian Courtney, nominated by Dr Stephen Chan for professionalism under exceptional circumstances.

Krystyna Drewniak, nominated by Dr David Holden for excellent engagement with the course.

Lillie Drummer, nominated by Mr Richard Guy for a case presentation to Emergency Surgeon group.

Janet Dube, nominated by Mrs Sally Furlong for demonstrating knowledge way above what is expected.

Darcy Fidoe, nominated by Dr Ken Morgan for all-round excellent academic progress this year.

Ter-Er Kusu-Orkar, nominated by Bil Kirmani for SAMP and extra-curricular activities, including presenting MSc findings at national conference, actively participating in surgical procedures and engaging in research project (extending beyond SAMP).

Yan Hei Lau, nominated by Chris Keegan for excellent performance of assessment and clinical skills at bleep2.

Gaurav Mehta, nominated by Dr Charlene Grassmann for excellent professional behaviour and work ethic.

Vaishnavi Menon, nominated by Dhanya Kalathil for hard work, initiative and reliability.

Jonathan White, nominated by Dr Peter Gledhill for demonstrating excellence on clinical placement, "More than a student observer, Jonathan is part of the team."

Group Commendations

Alice Ismail, Jordan Clarke, Alexandra Ward and Rebecca Sinden, nominated by Dr Andrew Turner for their recent performance at the Year 4 FOSCE.

Further Information

We are continuing to make changes and improvements based on student feedback and to better meet the need of the modern student doctor at Liverpool. If you have any questions on recent revised policy and processes, we are happy to help – please email enquiries to