As we head towards the end of term, we would like to take the opportunity to say that we are so proud of all of you. You continue to take on new challenges and build on your experiences. We can't wait to see what next year holds.
This month, 12 student doctors have gone above and beyond on placements, during teaching and in extracurricular activities! Read below to see what they have been up to that earnt them a commendation and how to nominate.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate this month.
Celebrating this month
Grace Chaplin, nominated by Dr Sylvia Sefcik for exceptional performance and commitment on the cardiology ward, including supporting both the medial team and junior students.
Rowena DeBerker, nominated by Dr Shamim Rose for all round exceptional performance and professionalism during placement.
Ahmed Mostafa, nominated by Dr Peach Chartsakulkanajarn for excellent team work with on-call doctor, excellent help in translating between Arabic and English during a particularly hard consultation that included brief history taking, explanation of procedure and explaining results and managing expectation of the parent.
Maryam Mussa, nominated by Mr Chris Webb for a notable exceptional performance in simulated patient station during AFL.
Muhammad Tayyab Bhatti, nominated by Dr Mark Batterbury and Dr Faye Bradshaw for putting together an excellent Ophthalmology Revision Guide for Student Doctors, and for his continued contributions to undergraduate ophthalmology.
Honor Boyle, nominated by Dr Faye Bradshaw for presenting an excellent Case Presentation in her CCT session.
Eleanor Gregson, nominated by Dr Roberts for an excellent e-portfolio, and demonstrating an excellent understanding of the learning outcomes, clinical acumen and professional behaviours required for completion of the year and transition to Foundation doctor.
Charlotte Nuttall, nominated by Dr Osman for an excellent e-portfolio, and demonstrating an excellent understanding of the learning outcomes, clinical acumen and professional behaviours required for completion of the year and transition to Foundation doctor.
Ollie Spencer, nominated by Dr Declan Hyland for an excellent e-portfolio, and demonstrating an excellent understanding of the learning outcomes, clinical acumen and professional behaviours required for completion of the year and transition to Foundation doctor.
Haillie McFarlane, nominated by Dr John Pilavakis for great enthusiasm and commitment in A&E rotation
Patrick Birkenhead, nominated by Dr Jane Foster for contributions to General Practice, including a voluntary audit and contributions to COVID vaccination clinics.
Rabia Khaliq, nominated by Dr Dinsdale for demonstration of an excellent portfolio and mature responses during portfolio interview process.
How to nominate
Commendations recognise our student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.
Are you a Liverpool student doctor? Visit the student intranet Commendation page for full details on how to nominate a fellow Student Doctor, a team, or a member of staff!