Here it is – the full list of students recognised for excellence in the 2021-22 academic year with a School Prize. Every year, prizes are awarded to all year groups in multiple categories, covering a range of areas across the MBChB curriculum.
Whether it’s for outstanding performance in a knowledge or clinical assessment, a fantastic piece of work in a portfolio, report or presentation, or for producing an excellent learning resource on one of the course’s key themes, you can be sure each name on this list did something pretty remarkable last academic year.
Full list of winners 21-22
Beth Harrison awarded the Dr Richard Formby Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 1.
Rachel O’Sullivan awarded the Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 2.
Conor O’Hagan awarded the William Henry Duncan Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 3.
Emma Wilkinson awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 4.
Amy Gillespie awarded the Dr Mary Sheridan Prize for Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 3.
Elizabeth Eddy awarded the Dr Thomas Cecil Gray Prize for Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 4.
Emma Tixerant awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize in Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 5.
Conor Gillespie awarded the J Hill Abram Prize in Pharmacology and General Therapeutics for excellence in performance in the National Prescribing Safety Assessment.
Jess Cohan awarded the Lord Henry Cohen Prize for excellence in performance in a poster presentation for RS 3.
Denise Brown awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Portfolio Prize for excellence in performance in a portfolio of work across Year 5.
Katie Marston awarded the Caroline Elliott Prize for Electives for excellence in performance in an Elective report.
Maria Cameron awarded the General Practice Prize for a resource, for use in a Primary Care setting, that meets an identified need based on an experience in Primary Care.
Shivani Puri awarded the Disability and Care in the Community Prize for a teaching resource for use in clinical placements to help students understand key concepts and issues relating to the Disability and Care in the Community Theme.
Fayosola Mercy awarded the Patient Care Pathways Prize for a poster presentation on a positive intervention that has improved the patient journey through healthcare.
Rowan Davies awarded the Geoffrey Rose Prize for Public Health for a presentation on a project or piece of work that investigated or enhanced an aspect of public health.
Kartik Goyal awarded the Physiology Tough Topics Made Easy Prize for a physiology teaching resource, for use on clinical placement, to be incorporated into the Tough Topics in Medicine (Made Easy) series.
Kartik Goyal awarded the Shaun Jackson Prize for Clinical Anatomy for a learning resource on a clinical anatomy topic, which provides a detailed synthesis of the anatomy that underlies a chosen disease or condition.
Kartik Goyal awarded the Dorothy Stuart Russell Pathology Prize for a pathology learning resource to support students on clinical placement through a targeted refresher on a particular aspect of pathology and pathophysiology.
Rosie Toms awarded the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize for going above and beyond the normal expectations of the programme and being a true advocate for the School of Medicine.
Student reactions
Emma Tixerant and Emma Wilkinson
“It was such a lovely surprise to find out I had been given this award for the year five clinical assessment. Having started at Manchester Royal Infirmary this year, it’s already so clear to me how well Liverpool prepares us for FY1, and how all our hard work pays off in helping to make us better doctors on the ward. I am extremely grateful, and I look forward to working with many Liverpool Graduates in the future.” - Emma Tixerant
“It was a wonderful surprise to find out that I had been awarded a prize for my exam performance. I would like to thank my friends and family for their support throughout the past five years. Congratulations to all the other prize winners.” - Emma Wilkinson
Beth Harrison and Jess Cohan
“It’s an honour to have received the Dr Richard Formby Prize, I am absolutely over the moon. It’s been a great year, I met some lovely people and learned a thing or two. I’m glad all the hard work paid off. Here’s to Year Two!’ - Beth Harrison
"I was thrilled (and pleasantly surprised!) to receive the award for the best RS3 poster presentation! My project was a clinical audit looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted smoking cessation services in primary care. There was a lot of high-quality RS3 projects and posters produced by our year group last year, so it is a real honour to be awarded this prize. Thanks!" - Jess Cohan
Fayosola Mercy and Amy Gillespie
“If this picture doesn't translate my passion for Reproductive and Sexual Health, I don't know what will!" - Fayosola Mercy
“At first I didn’t think the email was real, but when it sunk in I was very excited.” - Amy Gillespie
Rowan Davies, Rosie Toms, Kartik Goyal
“I am delighted to accept the Geoffrey Rose Prize for Public Health. I believe explaining public health interventions in simple terms is paramount for promoting accessibility, and something I will carry with me in my future practice. Congratulations to all other prize winners!” - Rowan Davies
"I am thrilled to be receiving the Spirit of Liverpool Prize for my work with Liverpool Wilderness Medicine Society (LWMS) last year. I am so proud of what the society achieved, including weekly in-person hands-on teaching, social walks in the Welsh hills, two simulation weekends and the highlight of the year - Wild Trials.
In April 2022 we welcomed 20 teams from across the UK to the Peak District for Wild Trials, the national student Wilderness Medicine competition. Over the weekend they were put through their paces in a challenging circuit of simulations, designed to test their medical knowledge as well as their team work and lateral thinking. The event was a massive success, and I couldn't have done it without the people around me, in particular the LWMS committee, the students who volunteered to act as patients, and the alumni who came to assess the competition.
The fabulous LWMS committee worked so hard to make 2021-22 a fantastic year for Wilderness Medicine at Liverpool, and it was a pleasure to lead the society. I now look forward to supporting this year's committee as an alumni - and I strongly recommend you check out LWMS's coming up events!" - Rosie Toms
“I am very grateful to have been awarded these prizes. I would like to thank the panels of judges for recognising my efforts. I hope to carry this success forward into my career in academia.” - Kartik Goyal
Shivani Puri and Elizabeth Eddy
"I am so delighted to have been selected as a winner for the Disability and Care in the Community Prize. As a first-year medical student I had taken knowledge from helpful theme sessions such as Good Doctor and integrated this learning into one educational presentation. It feels like an honour to know that this will aid future medical students on clinical placements regarding the approach and understanding towards disability and general care within the community in which we all have a duty to partake in." - Shivani Puri
“I am so grateful to receive this award and thankful to all my friends for supporting me through the exam period.” - Elizabeth Eddy
Maria Cameron, Conor O'Hagan, Denise Brown
“I am ecstatic to win the General Practice prize for my leaflet on menopause and HRT! I feel that it is a topic that is widely misunderstood by both patients and medical professionals. Having seen numerous consultations regarding options for HRT in GP last year, I felt that a concise educational document would be really helpful for patients to make an informed decision about their treatment.” - Maria Cameron
"Many thanks for the prize and well done to all other winners." - Conor O'Hagan
“I feel so proud to have won this award. It is such a great way to finish off my time at medical school.” - Denise Brown
Conor Gillespie, Katie Marston and Rachel O’Sullivan
"I am delighted to have won the Caroline Elliott Prize for my Elective in Paediatric Palliative Care. It was a privilege to spend time in Claire House Children's Hospice and observe the wonderful care given to children and their families." - Katie Marston
“Thank you for the prize. I am enjoying meeting patients and the new style of learning on placement this year.” - Rachel O’Sullivan
Huge congratulations to all of our prize winners. We look forward to celebrating your achievements with you and your guests at a School Prize Evening this November.
Inspired by these guys? Keen to have your name in the spotlight this time next year? Keep a look out for news of School Prizes for 2022-23 scheduled to launch early next year.
Full details of School Prizes available for the 21-22 academic year are available on the School Prizes webpage (link).