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Meet our new Research Advocates

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We are proud to announce the Student Doctors who have been appointed as the new INSPIRE Student School of Medicine Research Advocates for 2019-20.

The INSPIRE committee supports student research, bringing together our research societies, providing funding for an annual student research conference and facilitating a student-inspired series of lectures.

INSPIRE committee Research Advocates for 2019:


Hannah Woods (Yr 4)

Hannah will be working with the Liverpool Research Society (LivResSoc), with a focus on supporting the Student Research conference.

Liverpool Research Society:

Piyush Bhatia (Yr 4) & Basel Taweel (Yr 3)

Piyush and Basel will be working with students, student societies, staff and NHS colleagues to develop a student extra-curricular research programme, creating a catalogue of research opportunities.   

George Richardson (Yr 4)

George will be working with student societies to develop a coordinated series of student extra-curricular events. He will be generating a student calendar which will be accessed via the INSPIRE page on the School’s VITAL page.

Sundas Butt (Yr 5 )  & Selina Robertson (Yr 5)

Sundas and Selina will be working with the Integrated Clinical Academic Training (AFP/ICAT) programme, especially the Foundation programme and the Intercalation team.

Jared Murphy (Yr 5)

Jared will be working with the Intercalation team to promote intercalation opportunities to MBChB students.

Gaurav Rattan Vashisht (Yr 5) & Conor Gillespie (Yr 4)

Gurav and Conor will be working with the Research and Scholarship (RS) team promoting how to make the most of RS projects.


Date for the Diary

LivResCon5 will be running for the 2019/20 Academic Year on 29 February 2020. Save the date!

Remember to check out the weekly student bulletin every Tuesday for upcoming events – including key conferences.