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Student Commendations | February 2023

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Thirteen student doctors are celebrating this month after having been awarded a commendation for going above and beyond in their studies, on placement or in their extra-curricular activities this February.

Commendations are a great way of recognising someone who is really pulling out all the stops. It couldn’t be easier to submit your nomination - simply fill out a quick and easy form on the Commendations page (link) of the student intranet.

Celebrating this month

Andrew Bonsu, nominated by Dr Jon Dunleavy for excellent engagement on psychiatry placement despite challenging circumstances.

Maria Cameron, nominated by Mr Nigel Kinder for outstanding engagement on placement in emergency medicine.

Rabbiah Chaudry, nominated by Dr Felicity Mattocks for working above and beyond helping to triage patients during a busy on call.

Livia Campin, nominated by Mr P Rao for exceptional performance on surgery placement.

Molly Garlick, nominated by Emma Emmott for excellent performance in primary care and managing a difficult patient.

Will Jacobs, nominated by Mr Nigel Kinder for excellent performance in emergency placement as reported by staff and patients.

George Jones, nominated by Maria Graham for excellent performance in critical care and anaesthetics.

Pieter Lahorgue, nominated by Dr Graeme Guthrie for going above and beyond on AMU placement and supporting a MET call offsite.

Natalie Limaye, nominated by Pakhi Goel, Gurnoor Kaur, Mehnaz Mamun, Thilaga Nachiappan & Anjalee Dhaliwal for exceptional peer support through teaching and society activities.

Samuel Roberts, nominated by Dr Joanna Roberts for excellent care during palliative care placement.

Daniel Rostami-Hochagan, nominated by Dr David Lewis for outstanding case presentation in CCT.

Meera Shankar, nominated by Dr Faye Bradshaw for excellent case presentation in CCT.

Jed Winstanley, nominated by Dr Dr Joanna Roberts for exceptional engagement in presentation.

Congratulations to all of you! Keep those commendations coming!