Each year, Liverpool School of Medicine awards School Prizes for excellence demonstrated across all years of the MBChB programme in a variety of areas. We are proud to announce the prize winners for outstanding achievements last academic year.
With the effects of a global pandemic still in full swing, the 2020-21 academic year brought its fair share of shifts and challenges. But that didn't stop our student doctors excelling in numerous areas, many of these are recognised through School Prizes.
Congratulations to the student doctors whose accomplishments are celebrated with a School Prize.
Assessment-related prizes
The Dr Richard Formby Prize for Knowledge Assessment is awarded to Michael Ahamed for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge test assessment in year 1.
The Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Prize for Knowledge Assessment is awarded to Solomon-Miles Donnelly for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge test assessment in year 2. Solomon says,
It is great to be studying in Liverpool with all that it has to offer. It is hard to believe I'm a third-year student doctor already!
The William Henry Duncan Prize for Knowledge Assessment is awarded to Edward Willcocks for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge test assessment in year 3.
Edwards jokes, “"It's a shame I think I've forgotten it all before finals!”
(L-R) Solomon-Miles Donnelly and Edward Willcocks
The Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Knowledge Assessment is awarded to Faisal Al-Reefy and Drew Lerikos (joint winners) for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge test assessment in year 4.
Drew says, “Thanks for the prize and congratulations to all the other winners!”
(L-R) Drew Lerikos and Faisal Al-Reefy
The Dr Mary Sheridan Prize for Clinical Assessment is awarded to Alexander Anderson for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 3.
Alexander says, “I feel very humbled to receive this prize considering the competition and the colleagues that I have had the privilege to learn alongside.
Everyone I have had the opportunity to meet in clinical practice has been crucial in allowing me to develop my skillset and abilities.
I am grateful to my peers, mentors and patients as I work towards becoming a functional doctor!”
Alexander Anderson
The Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Clinical Assessment is awarded to Lillie Dummer and Emma Tixerant (joint winners) for the highest mark at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 4. Lille says,
I am really proud to have received this prize, which feels like a wonderful way to round off my time at Liverpool School of Medicine.
"Sitting finals in a pandemic was quite an experience, but I’m glad the hard work has paid off!”
Emma says, “I am honoured to receive this prize. My friends and I worked really hard together in preparation for the clinical assessment, and I am very grateful for the help we gave each other along the way."
(L-R) Lillie Dummer and Emma Tixerant
The J Hill Abram Prize in Pharmacology and General Therapeutics is awarded to Courtney Holmes for the highest score on the National Prescribing Safety Assessment, taken in Year 5.
Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize
A brand-new category was introduced this year to recognise students who have consistently gone above and beyond expectations and are a true advocate for the School. Submissions were made by peer nomination, and those received were extremely impressive, resulting in a number of students being awarded a commendation for their achievements, as noted and appreciated by their peers.
This year, the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize was awarded to two student doctors, Shantanu Kundu and Anthonia Adefolaju.
Anthonia Adefolaju
Anthonia Adefolaju was nominated for the award by Student Doctor Daisy Dwomoh for advocacy, empathy and impact in the development of an inclusive School community that celebrates diversity.
Anthonia has been instrumental in initiatives to continue to develop a learning environment where all students feel safe and included, not least through her role as student advisor in the development of a training programme around microaggressions, which the School is proud to have led in partnership with the Anthony Walker Foundation, Health Education England and NHS Trusts in Merseyside, Cheshire and Wirral and Lancashire. Anthonia says,
I’m over the moon to have won the award!
"I’ve loved being able to contribute in a small way to making our experiences of medical school a bit more comfortable and enjoyable, and hope to be able to continue this in the future! Thank you so much to my wonderful friends for nominating me!"
Shantanu Kundu
Shantanu Kundu was nominated by fellow students Marcus Choi, Arman Nabavieh, Ragavie Kesavan and Lea Assi for his leadership and entrepreneurship in raising awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental wellbeing.
Shantanu’s Be Free Campaign, for which he has received a Points of Light Award from the Prime Minister and The Diana Award, has proven powerful in facilitating important conversations around mental health, and providing support to the student community.
Shantanu says, “Thank you so much for this award.
I have loved working towards improving mental health outcomes over the past few years and in particular, I have been overwhelmed by the response of those here at the school.
I hope we can continue the work that needs to be done and move towards a mentally healthier world. If you're ever in doubt about starting up something new - try it, there's nothing to lose.”
Congratulations to all our winners on their fantastic achievements! They will be presented with a certificate and prize medal at the School Prize Evening in March. See the 20-21 Prizes page (link) of the student intranet for more details on the prizes awarded for achievements last academic year.
Full list of 20-21 prize winners
- Michael Ahamed is awarded the Dr Richard Formby Prize for Knowledge Assessment
- Solomon-Miles Donnelly is awarded the Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Prize for Knowledge Assessment
- Edward Willcocks is awarded the William Henry Duncan Prize for Knowledge Assessment
- Faisal Al-Reefy and Drew Lerikos are awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Knowledge Assessment
- Alexander Anderson is awarded the Dr Mary Sheridan Prize for Clinical Assessment
- Lillie Dummer and Emma Tixerant are awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Clinical Assessment
- Courtney Holmes is awarded the J Hill Abram Prize in Pharmacology and General Therapeutics
- Shantanu Kundu and Anthonia Adefolaju are awarded the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize.
Get ready for 21-22 School Prizes
The School is excited to announce the complete list of School Prizes available for the 2021-22 academic year, including a series of exciting new prizes linked to key themes in the MBChB curriculum. We will also continue with a peer-nomination category for the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize, awarded to a student who has gone above and beyond the normal expectations of the programme and who has been a true advocate for the School.
- Head over to the 21-22 School Prizes page (link) on the student intranet to see the full list of prize categories available.
All submission-based prizes will follow the same timeline, opening up for submissions in April 2022 and closing in July 2022. Winners of this year's prizes will be announced in October 2022, and celebrated at a Prize Evening event in November 2022.