We are proud to announce our School Prize winners from the 2022-23 Academic year, which are awarded to all year groups in multiple categories, covering a range of areas across the MBChB curriculum.
The annual prizes are given for either an outstanding performance in a knowledge or clinical assessment, a fantastic piece of work in a portfolio, report or presentation, or for producing an excellent learning resource on one of the course’s key themes. All our prize winners have made an impression this last academic year and are fully deserving of their awards – congratulations!
Our winners for 2022-23 are:
Abraham Ona-Igbru awarded the Dr Richard Formby Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 1.
Beth Harrison awarded the Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 2.
Eliza Carew awarded the William Henry Duncan Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge assessment in year 3.
Lily Jones awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize for Knowledge Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the AFP applied knowledge test assessment in year 4.
Calum Voller awarded the Dr Mary Sheridan Prize for Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 3.
Tom Padley awarded the Dr Thomas Cecil Gray Prize for Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 4.
Elizabeth Eddy awarded the Reginald and Dora Goodrick Prize in Clinical Assessment for excellence in performance at sequence 1 of the clinical AFP in year 5.
Sara Shahi awarded the J Hill Abram Prize in Pharmacology and General Therapeutics for excellence in performance in the National Prescribing Safety Assessment.
Courtney Murray awarded the Lord Henry Cohen Prize for the best poster presentation for RS 3.
Ioan Wardhaugh awarded the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize for going above and beyond the normal expectations of the programme and being a true advocate for the School of Medicine.
Shalwin Mathew awarded the Geoffrey Rose Prize for Public Health and Disability & Care for a presentation on a project or piece of work that investigated or enhanced an aspect of public health, and the Disability and Care in the Community Prize for a teaching resource for use in clinical placements to help students understand key concepts and issues relating to the Disability and Care in the Community Theme.
Kieran Banner awarded the General Practice Prize for a resource, for use in a Primary Care setting, that meets an identified need based on an experience in Primary Care.
Jessica Longden awarded the Patient Care Pathways Prize for a poster presentation on a positive intervention that has improved the patient journey through healthcare.
Niall O’Connell awarded the Physiology Tough Topics Made Easy Prize for a physiology teaching resource, for use on clinical placement, to be incorporated into the Tough Topics in Medicine (Made Easy) series.
Swarna Yemparala awarded the Shaun Jackson Prize for Clinical Anatomy for a teaching resource on a clinical anatomy topic, which provides a detailed synthesis of the anatomy that underlies a chosen disease or condition.
Shivani Gaitri Puri awarded the Dorothy Stuart Russell Pathology Prize for a pathology learning resource to support students on clinical placement through a targeted refresher on a particular aspect of pathology and pathophysiology.
Andrew Bonsu awarded the Dr Barry Enoch Good Doctor Prize for a case presentation on an interaction between patient and doctor that illustrates one or more of the characteristics that makes someone a good doctor.
Student Reactions
Beth Harrison and Eliza Carew
"It is truly such an honour to receive this award. What a hard year it has been, but also what a fun and rewarding one. I'm now looking forward to putting all of the theory into practice this year as we take on our clinical placements."
Beth Harrison
“I am delighted to receive this award. I started from the Year 0 programme at Carmel College, so I would like to express my gratitude to the team at Carmel for giving me this opportunity. Thank you to my parents for their unwavering support, and to the Passing Scramblers, who kept me smiling through exam season!”
Eliza Carew
Lily Jones and Calum Voller
"It was such a lovely surprise to learn that I had been awarded a prize for my Year 4 written exam performance. I would like to thank my friends, family, and supervisors throughout medical school for their support. Congratulations to all other prize winners!”
Lily Jones
"I am incredibly honoured to have received the Dr Mary Sheridan Prize for Clinical Assessment. I am very grateful to my friends and family for supporting me through the exams. My hearty congratulations to the other prize winners."
Calum Voller
Tom Padley and Sara Shahi
"I am delighted to have won this award! I’d like to thank everyone for their support through the busy exam period and congratulations to the other winners!"
Tom Padley
"I was very grateful to have received this award, thank you! My undergraduate degree was in pharmacy, and I hope to further explore research in pharmacology in my career as it has been an interest of mine for a long time. Congratulations to all the other prize winners on their achievements!"
Sara Shahi
Courtney Murray and Swarna Yemparala
"I’m really happy to have achieved this award and receive recognition for my poster. The poster presentation was an invaluable part of the RS3 curriculum, allowing me to understand the basics of translating complicated concepts and convey important findings to a wider population in an engaging format, and to experience more public speaking including answering questions at the end. Seeing everyone else’s posters and listening to their presentations was also very interesting – it’s amazing what some people were researching for their RS3! In this regard, I want to congratulate everyone for their hard work for their posters and final RS3 projects."
Courtney Murray
“Thank you very much for this prize! Teaching has always been something that I was passionate about at university so I loved exploring the different resources that I could utilise to make this video. In my first few months as a surgical F1, having a good base of anatomy knowledge has proved to be incredibly useful when the seniors decide that the ward round is the perfect time to quiz you! So have a flip through Gray's before you start and hopefully this submission can help too! Thank you!”
Swarna Yemparala
Shalwin Mathew and Kieran Banner
"I am immensely grateful to have received both the Disability and Care in the Community Prize as well as the Geoffrey Rose Prize for Public Health. I hope my presentations on managing phantom limb pain in amputees and seeking early dementia diagnosis, highlights the importance of recognizing unique challenges faced in the NHS.
Furthermore, it feels like a privilege that students can have access to these learning resources during their placements, enabling them to better empathize with patients throughout their healthcare journeys".
Shalwin Mathew
"I'm so proud to have won the General Practice Prize for my leaflet on whether to use a pharmacist or doctor for common medical problems. I created this resource to help make patients aware of the alternative healthcare options that they have. I hope this makes patients lives easier and can reduce the strain on GPs in the long term."
Kieran Banner
Jessica Longden and Niall O'Connell
“I’m delighted to receive the Patient Care Pathways Prize. I thoroughly enjoyed working on my RS3 project and poster presentation last year. It was a privilege to make a difference to patients and help them utilise the same-day emergency service in a positive way!”
Jessica Longden
“I'm absolutely delighted and humbled to have received a prize for my teaching resource on the menstrual cycle. I'm passionate about O&G and hope that other students find it useful as a refresher on the topic. Congratulations to all the other winners!'
Niall O’Connell
Shivani Gaitri Puri and Andrew Bonsu
"I am so grateful to have been selected to be a winner for this prize. After completing my respiratory placement at Whiston hospital in second year, I found myself to be more interested in interstitial lung disease and the pathology associated with it. I thoroughly enjoyed creating this resource for students to use as a refresher. I hope it will be beneficial and once again, I am so thankful for this achievement again."
Shivani Gaitri Puri
"When I read the email that I won, I was very shocked but also very happy that the case presented reflected the attributes of a good doctor. I hope to maintain that perspective throughout 5th year and beyond. I would like to thank the School of Medicine for being awarded as the winner and also congratulate all other prize winners for their achievements as well.”
Andrew Bonsu
Ioan Wardhaugh
"I'm delighted and incredibly grateful to be presented with this award. Moving to Liverpool was the first time I left home, and learning in and from such an amazing city made my experience as a student infinitely better - so much so I've stayed to start my working life here! My time here would not have been the same without the support of my family, friends and colleagues who have now started work as the amazing F1s across the country - this award belongs to all of them too!"
Ioan Wardhaugh
Congratulations to all our prize winners on your fantastic achievements and we look forward to celebrating with you all at School Prize Evening this November.
Inspired to have your name in the spotlight at next year's Prize Evening? Keep a look out for School Prizes news for 2023-24 which is scheduled to launch early next year.
Full details of School Prizes that where available for the 22-23 academic year are available on the School Prizes webpage (link).