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Student Published in Lupus Journal

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Front cover of the LUPUS journal which recently published an article from one of our students

A Student Doctor at the Liverpool School of Medicine has recently been published.

The journal Lupus, has published Year 5 student Elizabeth Peterknecht's work - The effectiveness and safety of biological therapeutics in juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE): a systematic review, in association with Professor Beresford at Alder Hey.

This is a great achievement for a busy Student Doctor undertaking their 5th year of study on the MBChB programme.

Congratulations to Elizabeth for this fantastic, and well-deserved achievement!

Photo of student Beth Peterknecht, who has recently been published

Student Doctor Elizabeth Peterknecht is working full time on the fifth year of her MBChB course at Liverpool.

Further information

The School wants to encourage and support any of our students attempting to publish, so please don't hesitate to contact our Director of Student Engagement, Dr Lauren Fisher: