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Student Commendations | November 2020

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This month, we're celebrating 17 amazing student doctors. It's great to see so many of you going above and beyond on your placements, during teaching and in extracurricular activities. 

Commendations are a great way of providing positive feedback to the hard-working individuals at the School of Medicine; check out the end of this article to see how you can nominate. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to nominate someone special! 

Celebrating this month

Megan Rigby, nominated by Dr Nicola Cosgrove for recording a video that supports the learning of future student doctors. 

Patrick Birkenhead, nominated by Dr Ciaran Lynch for excellent knowledge and communication skills.

Alexandra Nelson, Catherine Gribbin, Jess Flanagan and Rowena de Berker, nominated by Dr Holly Metcalfe for excellent team work, enthusiasm and positivity on an AMU SAMP. 

Alexandra Valma, nominated by Dr Kate Marley for excellent performance and demonstration of care and compassion on the Palliative Care Placement. 

Joshua John, nominated by Dr Kate Marley for outstanding participation and diligence on the Palliative Care Placement. 

Philippa Caine, nominated by Dr Olukayode Adeeko for making a major contribution to a Quality Improvement Project while on GP placement. Also nominated by Ms Miranda Upstone for developing teaching to support junior students on a GP placement. 

Jacob Bloor, nominated by Dr Shane De Souza for exceptional performance on ward shadow rotation. 

Snowden Frazer, nominated by Shrouk Messahel for outstanding performance in the paediatric emergency department. 

Charlotte Tighue, nominated by Chris Webb for an excellent SAMP in ENT. 

Jake Cawley, nominated by Dr Susannah Brockbank for exceptional interest and engagement while on-call. 

Ibukunoluwa Ajanaku, nominated by Dr Lorna Pain for going above and beyond all expectations on acute placement, with excellent attitude and clinical skills knowledge. 

Aileen Toner, nominated by Dr Katie Carter for making a positive contribution to the ward team and ensuring continuity of patient care. 

Abigail Townsend, nominated by Dr T.G. Mahalingham for maximising all learning opportunities on SAMP placement, and making extraordinary efforts for a prompt completion of an audit project.  

Daisy Sutcliffe, nominated by Dr Joy Kulangara for going the extra mile in helping with an audit on DNACPR. 

Congratulations to all of you! 

How to nominate

Commendations recognise student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.

Student doctors, visit the student intranet Commendation page for more information and to download a Commendation Form. You can nominate a fellow Student Doctor or a member of staff. Completed forms should be sent directly to the Director of Studies:

Forms are then emailed to the student who is being commended, and you can upload this to your E-portfolio under the prizes section. Students who have received a commendation form are also celebrated in The Pulse, the monthly School newsletter.