Commendations are a key way we celebrate the staff and students at the School who go the extra mile. We encourage you to read the stories of past winners, and to put forward your peers for the honour!
It's the start of a new Academic Year and we would like to say a well done to all students doctors; you have all been continuing to rise to the challenges presented during this unprecedented period. We want to celebrate all those who went the extra mile at the end of the last year, and over the summer months.
Thank you to everybody who has nominated a Student Doctor for a commendation, everybody is working so hard, particularly at the moment, it's brilliant to be able to celebrate members of our School.
Celebrating this month
Charlotte Eva, Jamie Bould and Grace Parris, nominated by Ms Harley De Gruchy for frontline volunteering, assisting healthcare workers in the completion and processing of COVID-19 testing
Christopher Beoku-Betts, nominated by Mr Simon Barton for the production of a comprehensive audit assessing the impact of the city wide virtual fracture clinic on outpatient activity at Aintree University Hospital.
Rachel Gannaway, nominated by Dr Suman Maddula for excellent commitment and professionalism to GP placemnet. Exemplary performance with very high standards of care demonstrated with excellent patient feedback.
How to nominate:
Commendations recognise student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.
Student doctors, visit the student intranet Commendation page for more information and to dowload a Commendation Form. Completed forms should be sent directly to the Director of Studies Dir.mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
Forms are then emailed to the student who is being commended, and you can upload this to your E-portfolio under the prizes section. Students who have received a commendation form are also celebrated in The Pulse, the monthly School newsletter.