2022 graduate and ex-Treasurer of the Liverpool Medical Students’ Society (LMSS), Dr Charlie Hextall is on the standard foundation programme at Southport Hospital, currently based in General Medicine.
“The first time I walked onto the ward as a doctor was a surreal experience. On my first day shadowing, the doctor I was following wrote my name down and it was the first time I saw Dr Hextall written down at work! Seeing that definitely made me feel proud but also slightly terrified that I couldn’t hide behind the grey scrubs anymore! It’s a bit of a tradition among Liverpool Medical Students to not wear your stethoscope around your neck until you qualify, so finally putting it round my neck as a doctor felt like completing a rite of passage.
I’ve really enjoyed the time spent working with a group of people for a long period. At uni, we rotate so often that it can be difficult to get to know the team you work with, but four months in one place means you can really get to know the nursing staff and other members of the MDT.
The thing I’m most proud of is making it through my first set of nights.
Before I started, I tweeted for advice and luckily got some great tips (including from Professor Scott herself), which definitely helped me through my worries.
Being in hospital overnight and being the first person that the team call when someone is poorly is a scary thing to start off with, but I was proud of how focussed it made me feel to assess a patient then make a plan and discuss it with my seniors. It felt like all the training I had in my six years at Liverpool came to a culmination.
My second proudest achievement was winning Southport’s Best Moustache in November!
The additional responsibility was hard to get used to, especially when people are asking you questions on your first day that you may not know the answer to.
I’ve been lucky to have worked with really great seniors, including Dr Daniel Murphy F2 and Dr Hafsa Shams-Khan IMT1 (both Liverpool Alumni) who always were happy to answer any questions I had. The added responsibility definitely makes you sharpen your focus and makes sure you double check what you do!
My biggest tip for fifth years who will be starting work shortly is to get some practice holding and answering the bleep during your on-call ward shadow placement.
That was the thing I was most worried about and getting to practice with the safety net of your F1 definitely makes it less scary when you have to do It on your own.
Also don’t be too hard on yourself when you first start, it is a big step up, but we all make it through! Just remember to chat through things you find difficult and debrief with your friends over a coffee because I guarantee that no-one finds it easy. You will smash it!”
Keep in touch Charlie! Browse through more tales from our past graduates over on our Alumni Stories page (link).