We are rounding off the first year of a new decade by celebrating seven amazing student doctors who have gone above and beyond on placements, during teaching and in extracurricular activities.
Commendations are a great way of providing positive feedback to the hard-working individuals at the School of Medicine; check out the end of this article to see how you can nominate. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to nominate someone special!
Celebrating this month
Sarah Hill, nominated by Dr Sharryn Gardner for excellent performance in Paediatrics, demonstrating exemplary professionalism and empathetic patient care.
Alexander Walmsley, nominated by Dr Anne Robinson for exceptional leadership and communication skills during a final year placement.
Emily Jones, nominated by Ms Teresa Sandinha for dedication, performance and examination skills above the expected level of a year 4 student.
Nawani Wickramaratne, nominated by Ms Teresa Sandinha for excellent performance on an Ophthalmology SAMP.
Simcha Hibbert, nominated by Miss Tooba Tahir for supporting junior students with teaching on an acute placement.
Olufemi Olatigbe, nominated by Mr Omar Nawaytou for demonstrating dedication, professionalism and an excellent piece of research into valve preserving aortic root surgery.
Alice Bradfield, nominated by Dr Sian Taylor for an excellent SAMP report that will form the basis of new hospital/regional guidelines on the management of VAIN.
Congratulations to all of you!
How to nominate
Commendations recognise student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.
Student doctors, visit the student intranet Commendation page for more information and to download a Commendation Form. You can nominate a fellow Student Doctor or a member of staff. Completed forms should be sent directly to the Director of Studies: Dir.mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk.
Forms are then emailed to the student who is being commended, and you can upload this to your E-portfolio under the prizes section. Students who have received a commendation form are also celebrated in The Pulse, the monthly School newsletter.