The School of Medicine is a great place to be, both in and outside of your studies.
The campus boasts excellent sports and library facilities, and the Guild of Students offer entertainment, volunteering opportunities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities, from Band Society to Potholing.
There are also a wide range of medical student societies offering specialty interest groups, community outreach activities, and creative opportunities.
Artefacts - Festive Highlight 2018
Christmas carol concert - 12.12.18
Artefacts is the Liverpool Medical School Performing Arts Society. Now coming into its 57th Year, Artefacts continues to serve the artistic and theatrical needs of its membership. More details and information on joining.
In the run up to Christmas Artefacts held a wonderful carol concert at St Margrate's church, all in aid of a good cause. The Dean of the School of Medicine, Professor Hazel Scott, took the opportunity to share some of Artefact's holiday harmonies on social media:
Surgical Scousers - Autumn highlights 2018
Surgical Scousers aims to deliver the knowledge, skills and support to prepare medical students for a career in surgery. More details and information on joining.
Trauma Skills Workshop - 24.09.18
Held at Broadgreen hospital; Lectures by trauma consultant Mr Taylor and Mr Sharma. Workshops inlcude chest drains, friable tissue suturing and stapling, cricothyroidotomy.
Basic surgical skills workshops- held every 2 weeks
Every session offers a minimum of 4:1 student to surgical trainee teaching ratio, and sessions include hand knot-tying, instrument tying and interrupted suture insertion.
Craft Society Christmas Market - 29.11.18
Surgical Scousers held a stall a the market and challenged passers by to complete the laparoscopic simulator task of placing 3 beads on a pole within 2 minutes. Only one person demonstrated proficient surgical skills to competently complete the task and win a coveted Surgical Scousers thermal mug!
Opthamalogy Society - Autumn highlights 2018
The Ophthalmology Society aims to provide exposure, teaching and advice about ophthalmology as a subject and specialty. For this exceedingly competitive specialty early interest is key. For those less inclined towards becoming an Ophthalmologist, the society's revision sessions will simply explain all you will need to know as a member of any other specialty. More details and information on joining.
Ophthalmology clinical skills session - 07.11.18
A sell out event which attendees reported was "invaluable for OSCEs, ward work and GP placements".
- Complete Fundoscopy Technique and Common Findings
- Disorders of Eye Movement
- Common Causes of Vision Loss
- Blind Spot and Visual Field Defects.
Ophthalmology Taster Day - 17.11.18
Held at Arrowe Park hospital; a highly successful event with students even travelling from Leeds University in order to attend.
Stations included:
- Surgical Simulator Session
- Slit lamp teaching
- Visual acuity, pupils, colour vision
- Ophthalmoscopy and visual fields
Send us your photos!
Are you in a student sports team, society or group? We want to promote your events and share your stories! Drop us a line at: