The School was delighted to welcome prize-winning students and their guests to a prize giving ceremony this November to celebrate their achievements in areas across the MBChB last academic year.
School Prizes are awarded annually in a wide range of categories including an excellent performance in a knowledge or clinical assessment, a fantastic piece of work in a portfolio, report or presentation, and for producing an excellent learning resource on one of the course’s key themes. While the Spirit of Liverpool School of Medicine Prize recognises a student that has gone above and beyond expectations and is a true advocate for the School.
Professor Scott with prize winner Shivani Puri
Kathleen Marston accepts her award
In her welcome address, Dean of the School of Medicine Professor Hazel Scott commended students on their accomplishments, hailing them as an inspiration to us all, and inviting prize winners to show a token of appreciation to their guests for all of their support along the way, with a rousing round of applause. She noted,
I am immensely proud of the resilience, creativity and strength of spirit our student doctors have shown, particularly over these last couple of years. The challenges facing our national health service continue to be felt but through their tenacity and commitment, our students demonstrate the qualities that will serve them, and their patients, so well in the future, as they are indeed the bright future the NHS looks towards.
The prize giving ceremony was presided over by Vice Dean for Risk and Student Experience Dr Iain Young and Director of Assessment and Feedback Bee Collier and the evening was made even more special by musical performances from members of the School’s performing arts society, Artefacts.
Dr Iain Young
Ann-Marie Jackson with prize winner Kartik Goyal
The School was honoured to welcome Ann-Marie Jackson who awarded the Shaun Jackson Prize in Clinical Anatomy, named in memory of her husband School Alumnus and Educator Shaun Jackson (link).
A performance by Hannah Anderson and Matthew Heneghan
Ioan Wardhaugh closes out the ceremony
Following the ceremony, attendees were treated to drinks and canapes in Cedar House’s student hub, where there were plenty of photo opportunities for prize winners to show off their new silverware.
Professor Scott with prize winner Fayosola Mercy
Shivani Puri and family
Matthew, Hannah and Ian from Artefacts
Prize Winner Jess Cohan
Prize Winners raise a glass
Elizabeth Eddy celebrates with her family
Fayosola Mercy and family share a giggle
Amy Gillespie and family
Beth Harrison with Professor Scott
Triple prize winner Kartik Goyal and guest
Congratulations again to all of our winners for the 21-22 academic year. The full list is available in this School news story (link). Liverpool Student Doctors can find out more about the School Prizes on offer on the student intranet (link). Keep an eye out for the 22-23 prizes – launching in the new year!