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New Anatomy Learning Zone

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We are continuing to develop the student facilities available at Cedar House, based on your feedback. You told us you would like an accessible way to top up your anatomy understanding and refresh your knowledge, throughout your whole MBChB course.

With this in mind, we are pleased to announce our purpose-built anatomy study area will be opening in February.

We have purchased a number of anatomical models - designed to complement the materials available in HARC - which you will be able to access whenever Cedar House is open to students (Monday to Friday, 8am - 9.30pm).

We've equipped the Anatomy Study Room with seven anatomical models:

  • The heart
  • The GI tract
  • The upper limb
  • The lower limb
  • The brain
  • The larynx
  • The female pelvis

The room will also host four iPad minis, and two iPad Pros, which will be in a similar set up to Clinical Skills. The iPad Pros will have 'Complete Anatomy' installed, as well as resources to help you with Radiology, such as CT scans, MRI scans, Radiology videos, and anatomy walkthrough videos created by the anatomy team.

So whenever you are on campus during the week, you will be able to enhance your learning with the range of models, undertaking anatomy quizzes, and watching educational anatomy videos!

The videos will be continuously developed, allowing you to make the most of the digital study aids throughout your time at Liverpool.

What are we waiting for?

The room is ready, and we know you are raring to use it! We are just waiting for the University tech elves to add the room to the swipe access on your student cards, so you can all use the room when you need.

We couldn't wait to tell you what we had up our sleeves, so wanted to let you know the facilities were coming ASAP. Keep an eye on your inbox and we will let you know as soon as the last technical hurdle has been overcome!