When Year 4 Student Doctor Charlotte Hankinson decided to help out with the hospital’s toy appeal, she had no idea it would result in such an outpouring of generosity from far and wide.
Charlotte explains, “I saw the hospital’s appeal for toys, so I ran a raffle through my part time job with the aim to raise some money. But it just went so much better than I expected!”
The raffle raised a whopping £600 with huge support from friends, family and the wider public.
“People were donating toys directly for me to take to the hospital. Others were donating cash and I was able to use these extra donations to purchase toys for the toy appeal, toys and crafts for the ward, and a new play kitchen for the waiting area in the children’s emergency department.”
Being in hospital isn’t where any parent wants to be with their child, especially over Christmas.
Charlotte reflects, “So to be able to provide toys for the patients there was really rewarding, and every parent was so grateful.”
Charlotte’s fundraising efforts have deservedly not gone unnoticed with a Tweet from one of the Paediatric Consultants, as well as a piece in the local paper.
Charlotte speaks highly of her Paediatrics placement at Warrington, which is something she understandably had mixed emotions about beforehand.
“I was really nervous to start my placement at Warrington, after spending a lot of time there with my mum before we lost her in 2015. However, I quickly settled in with the staff in the Education Centre and Paediatrics Department being so welcoming.”
I enjoyed the fact that paediatrics involves the care of the whole family so much, and how much of an impact a positive patient experience can have on a family.
"There was a really encouraging, supportive aspect to the placement which allowed us as students to really feel part of the team.”
Charlotte was able to see her toys in action when she was back at Warrington Paediatrics over Christmas. “I have been so welcomed by the Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Doctors and it’s been nice to see the toys I helped provide be enjoyed by the children there.”
Well done Charlotte! We’re really proud of you.