Last year, the most popular news story with our students each month, without fail – was the announcement of the Student Commendations! And it is our favourite story too. Well done to all our winners.
Commendations are a great way of providing positive feedback to the hard working individuals at the School of Medicine. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to nominate someone special!
Celebrating this month
Phoebe Chappell, Niamh O'Hara and Denise Brown, nominated by Chris Webb for an extremely high-standard of e-portfolio documentation.
Blessy Charaleal, nominated by Mark Wigglesworth for an exemplary attitude towards learning, caring for patients and professionalism.
Hanan Ajay, nominated by Laura White for excellence in communication skills, and exemplary patient care.
Alexandra Velma, nominated by Kate Davenport for always being willing to go the 'extra mile' and completion of an outstanding audit.
Swarna Yemperala, nominated by Dr Alam for voluntarily undertaking a Quality Improvement Project within General Practice.
Charlotte Fox, nominated by P. Magapu for dedication above and beyond the expectations of a Year 5 Student Doctor.
How to nominate:
Commendations recognise student doctors for activities where they have performed beyond expectations, including clinical skills, research activity, organising activities, helping others, dealing with unexpected events, leadership, and more.
Student doctors, visit the Student Intranet Commendation page for more information and to download a Commendation Form. Completed forms should be sent directly to the Director of Studies: Dir.mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
Forms are then emailed to the student who is being commended, and you can upload this to your E-portfolio under the prizes section. Students who have received a commendation form are also celebrated in The Pulse, the monthly School newsletter.