Following the recent addition of the new Anatomy Study Room at Cedar House, check out what resources are available for all our students, every weekday, 8am-9.30pm.
Our new Anatomy Study Room has been equipped with 7 anatomical models, 4 iPad minis and 2 iPad pros for you to learn, revise and become confident in your anatomy. By booking into the room you can study the human body at your own pace and in your own way.
Missed the announcement of our latest additions to student resources? Read more on the Anatomy Study Room here.
Anatomy Study Videos
The models included are the heart, brain, female pelvis, GI tract, larynx and the upper limb and lower limb. Explore these models using your own notes/textbooks or use the bespoke videos on the iPads to guide you step by step. You can even test your knowledge with lengthy quizzes for each model. To access these features simply start the zapper app on the iPad and point it at the zap code on each model.
The Heart
This video will give you a complete, in depth, view of heart anatomy. Covering the orientation of the heart in the thorax, the anatomy of each chamber in fine detail, the coronary circulation and the conduction system. As with all the videos that are in the room there will be a quiz at the end to see how you did.
The Female Pelvis
This complex, often controversial, area of anatomy is made simpler with this video. Starting with the basics of the boney pelvis it then moves on to discuss the musculature of the pelvic floor and perineum. It finishes with chapters on the neurovascular presence in this area and the anatomy of the pelvic organs.
The Brain
Study the anatomy of the brain with this series taking you through the brainstem and associated cranial nerves, the cerebellum, the functional areas of the cerebral cortex, the ventricular system and an overall examination of the blood supply. All the while linking each section to give you a complete understanding of the gross anatomy.
The Larynx
The video explains the complex action of the larynx. It begins with an overall view of the laryngeal cartilages before describing exactly how the true and false vocal cords are formed. This knowledge can then be added on with chapters discussing the various muscles and how they affect our vocal cords and the nerves that supply them. A complete picture of the larynx is given with its blood supply and mucous membrane bringing the series to a close.
Coming soon: Watch this space for videos on the upper limb, lower limb and the GI tract.
The iPads within the room have radiology videos linked to the various system blocks that are studied in year one and two.
To access these videos, select the zap code from the radiology poster on the main board. In addition all iPads have the radiology app MedFilm - this easy to use app has various DICOMs downloaded so that you can explore and test your radiology knowledge.
Complete Anatomy
In addition the iPads have a range of imaging resources to study from and the iPad pros have been equipped with the latest version of Complete Anatomy to ensure that you appreciate anatomy in 3 dimensions. See below for details of this new resource which is evolving all the time.
Both iPad pros have the app added to their home screen, this state of the art software allows you to view the 3D organization of the body and includes a multitude of features for you to study from:
- appreciate the function of the muscles as they move the skeleton,
- drill down into the microanatomy of the structures with micro models,
- isolate body regions and quickly understand the innervation of each muscle with the click of a button.
This software brings the body to life and needs to be explored!