In April 2017 the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) announced that it is going ahead with plans to introduce a new centralised qualifying exam - the Solicitors Qualification Exam (SQE). This will take the place of the LPC and so the pathway to qualification as a solicitor is set to change in the near future.
* Benn McGrady (World Health Organization), Valentina Vadi (Lancaster University), Charles-Emmanuel Côté (Laval University), Paula O’Brien and Andrew Mitchell (Melbourne University).
Many of our students are aiming for a career as a solicitor or a barrister, or considering this as a possible option. All our LL.B programmes satisfy the degree requirements laid down by the Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Routes to qualification as both a barrister and a solicitor, however, are changing.
Last month, Dr Amel Alghrani of the School of Law and Social Justice was invited Washington DC to provide an expert opinion on UK law for a lawsuit brought by an Ohio family against a fertility clinic. Dr Alghrani is an expert on reproductive law and has published extensively on the topic, including a recent monograph (Regulating Reproductive Technologies, New Horizons published with Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Between 11th – 19th October 2019, Professor Warren Barr (Head of Department, Law) was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on University business, joined by Professor Debra Morris (Dean for the School of Law and Social Justice) and Ms Anna Vowles (Head of School Operations, SLSJ).
On Thursday 14th November 2019, an exhibition celebrating the First 100 Years of Women in Law was launched at the University of Liverpool's School of the Arts Library and featured speeches by Professor Debra Morris, Dean of the School of Law and Social Justice, and Chris Topping, President of the Liverpool Law Society.
University of Liverpool academic Dr Amanda Cahill-Ripley will speak at a discussion event focussed on attitudes and engagement of the Protestant Unionist Loyalist (PUL) community with human rights. The event will take place in Belfast on Wednesday 11 December 2019.
Liverpool Law Clinic’s in house solicitor and lecturer, Jo Bezzano, has won Partnership of the Year 2019 at the Liverpool University Staff Awards 2019 for her work with the British Red Cross on supporting victims of trafficking in the UK and providing legal assistance.
Liverpool Law School students finish 6th in the UK round of the 2020 Jessup International Law Moot Competition.
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, for the week leading up to IWD (8th March) we will be spotlighting a different female colleague in the School of Law and Social Justice each day on our news stories page.
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, for the week leading up to IWD (8th March) we will be spotlighting a different female colleague in the School of Law and Social Justice each day on our news stories page.
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, for the week leading up to IWD (8th March) we will be spotlighting a different female colleague in the School of Law and Social Justice each day on our news stories page.
Expressions of Interest are invited from outstanding early career researchers for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship. Tenable for 3 years, the Fellowship will cover the salary costs of the fellow plus £6,000 of research expenses over the three years. Interested applicants are invited to submit Expressions of Interest to the School Research Team by Monday 24 August 2020.
The Law & Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Research Unit is delighted to announce the publication of Ending Childhood Obesity: A Challenge at the Crossroads of International Economic and Human Rights Law in the Health and the Law series Edward Elgar launched in 2018.
The School of Law and Social Justice is delighted to share news that in April 2021, two of its Law academics have been awarded Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Prizes. Dr Seán Columb, Senior Lecturer in Law, won the Hart-SLSA Prize for Early Career Academics 2021 and Prof Helen Stalford, Professor of Law, won the Socio-Legal Article Prize 2021.
Over the Easter holidays, Polina Agaltsova, Mollie Hammerton, Megan Cox, Katherine de Rozario, and Jason Kuong competed against universities from around the world in the global rounds of the 2021 Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
Dr John Tribe, Senior Lecturer in Law and member of the Charity Law & Policy Unit, has given evidence to the House of Commons Public Bills Committee on the Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill.
Following a successful application led by Dr Amanda Cahill-Ripley we are pleased to announce that the ILHRU is now a Member Institute of The Association of Human Rights Institutes – AHRI.
World Obesity Day (Friday 4 March 2022) - Call to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food: Time for an effective regulatory framework.
As part of its commitment to nurturing international research partnerships, the School of Law and Social Justice is inviting applications for incoming International Visiting Research Fellowships. The scheme aims to attract academics from outside of the UK to develop or extend collaborations with existing staff and/or research clusters within the School. In line with our Internationalisation Strategy, we are particularly interested in establishing and enhancing sustainable and inclusive collaborations with academics in the global south.
This Pride Month, we are delighted to announce a new free legal advice service for LGBTQ+ families.
We are delighted to announce that University of Liverpool Law graduate Alice Simm has been awarded a Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarship.
Liverpool Law School has taken over the Co-ordination of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN), which it co-ordinates together with the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the University of Luxembourg.
On 3 November 2022, Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Dean of the School of Law and Social Justice, addressed MEPs from the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament.
The School of Law and Social Justice (SLSJ) has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on research and training cooperation with the Judges Academy in Taiwan.
The School of Law and Social Justice has been accepted as an Institutional Member of the European Law Institute (ELI).
New research findings from the Lives on Hold, Our Stories Told (LOHST) project highlights failures in the UK’s legal and welfare systems and their impacts on unaccompanied young people seeking asylum.
Professor in Human Rights Law & Associate Dean for Research and Impact, Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, is one of three shortlisted candidates being proposed to be the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation.
On Saturday 25 January, Prof Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou gave evidence to the representatives of the member states of the Council of Europe considering the reform of the system of election of judges of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
Professor Amandine Garde, Director of the Law & NCD Research Unit at Liverpool Law School, has contributed to the 2023 Lancet Series on Breastfeeding, which is being launched today in London and explores how breastfeeding is undervalued and underinvested in by governments and public health, and how the vulnerabilities of women and children are exploited by the commercial milk formula industry.
A report published 24 January 2023 by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Child of the North, revealed children in the North are more likely to live in poverty than anywhere else in England. The report’s authors warn rising living costs will lead to immediate and lifelong harms for children, including physical and mental health, undermined education, and lower productivity.
Professors Valsamis Mitsilegas and Jacob Öberg challenge fellow experts in European criminal law to reflect on the normative foundations of European criminal law in a special issue from the European Law Journal.
Law Alumni PS Goh (English name David), who graduated from the University of Liverpool in Singapore in 1991, launched his new book, 'Law on Estate & Private Trust in a Nutshell', in September 2022.
Dr John Picton represented Charity Law and Policy Unit colleagues in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on Thursday 9 March 2023.
The Liverpool Law School has launched the new issue of the University of Liverpool Law Review (UoLLR). First published in 2015, the UoLLR is a student-led online legal journal, publishing one issue per academic year.
The Liverpool Bar Society held the final of its Internal Mooting Competition on Thursday 30 March, at Liverpool Crown Court.
Prof Debra Morris, Associate Dean (Internationalisation), was part of University of Liverpool delegation to India, led by Professor Anthony Hollander, University of Liverpool Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Impact, investigating new partnerships and strengthening existing ones.
The Liverpool Family Advice Project, run by Students from the Liverpool Law Clinic, has been shortlisted for Best Contribution by a Team of Students at the 2023 LawWorks and Attorney General’s Student Pro Bono Awards. The awards celebrate the best pro bono activities undertaken by law students and law schools from across the UK.
The Liverpool Law Clinic Family Advice Project was highly commended in the 'Best Contribution by a Team of Students' category at the LawWorks Student Pro Bono Awards 2023. The awards celebrate the best Pro Bono activities undertaken by law students and law schools from across the UK.
Dr Thomas Horsley, Reader in Constitutional Law in the School of Law and Social Justice, was interviewed on BBC One’s Politics Scotland (7 June 2023) on the Scottish government’s efforts to introduce a Deposit Return Scheme for single-use drinks containers.
The University of Liverpool’s Law Clinic ran a summer project providing School of Law and Justice Law students with the opportunity to assist with Family Law, Special Education Needs (SEN) and Immigration cases.
The University of Liverpool undergraduate Class of 2023 will be celebrating their achievements from Monday 17 – Friday 21 July at a number of graduation ceremonies held at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall with ticketed graduation receptions taking place at a marquee on Abercromby Square.
Liverpool Law School at the University of Liverpool is celebrating further success from its Law Clinic; a service which provides free and confidential legal advice to members of the public in the Liverpool area. Run by qualified solicitors assisted by Law students, Liverpool Law Clinic provides advice on family, special educational needs (SEN), domestic abuse and immigration cases.
The School of Law and Social Justice is pleased to launch a new masters course in International Business and Commerical Law. This brand new LLM has now been approved and will be available to enrol on in the new year.
Launching on Wednesday 6 March 2024, with a breakfast networking event for invited lawyers, University of Liverpool staff and current law students, the School of Law and Social Justice’s new ‘Law with a Year in Industry’ course will offer students an exciting opportunity to spend their third year working with a prestigious law firm in the city of Liverpool, before returning to complete their final year of studies as a fourth year.
Double impact: Dr. John Tribe quoted in both Parliamentary report on "Monitoring and Responding to Companies in Distress" and High Court judgment.
On Monday 18 March 2024, Lord Burrows, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, delivered a keynote lecture at the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre.
Liverpool Law Clinic's SEN (Special Educational Needs) Judicial Review Project was highly commended at the Law Works Attorney General Pro Bono awards in the Best New Pro Bono Activity category.
Six Liverpool Law School students have been awarded prestigious scholarships by the Inns of Court – Berkay Bozkurt, Ashley Dempsey, Tai Eu Dian, Wan En Ng, Elizabeth Shanks and Matthew Teow.