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University of Liverpool Law School students and staff take part in local legal community event

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A group of Liverpool Law School students and staff inside the Liverpool Cathedral.
Professor Rob Stokes and Dr John Tribe with Liverpool Law School students at the annual Judges' Service.

On 13th October 2024, the annual Judges' Service -Service of Dedication and Thanksgiving - marked the beginning of the legal year at Liverpool Cathedral. This long-standing and significant event, which has been part of the local legal calendar for centuries, brought together members of the legal community from Merseyside and beyond.

Liverpool Law Students stood with a Judge.

Liverpool Law School students with Lord Justice Edis.

Among those in attendance were senior members of the judiciary, including representatives from the Court of Appeal, High Court, and circuit and district benches. Notable judges included Lord Justice Edis, Mrs Justice Yip, Mrs Justice Ellenbogen and Mr Justice Fancourt. Senior figures from the Liverpool Business and Property Courts, such as His Honour Judge Cadwallader and Mr Justice Fancourt, Vice-Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, also participated. His Honour Judge Hodge KC was present, alongside the Leader of the Northern Circuit, Jaime Hamilton KC, and the President of the Liverpool Law Society, Gaynor Williams.

Rows of people sat inside the Liverpool Cathedral.

Students and academics from the University of Liverpool Law School were also in attendance. The event was a unique opportunity for students to engage directly with leading figures from the judiciary. Students attended alongside prominent legal professionals, offering them invaluable insight into the workings of the court system and the importance of upholding justice. The students were able to observe the formalities of the occasion, including the grand procession that featured judges, High Sheriffs and representatives from key organisations such as the police, fire brigade and youth groups, all set against the stunning backdrop of Liverpool Cathedral.

Liverpool Law School students stand with members of the Liverpool legal community.

Liverpool Law School students with His Honour Judge Cadwallader.

The service included a thought provoking sermon from Lord Justice Edis touching on the recent public disorder following the tragic events in Southport. Lord Justice Edis reflected on the work of the police and local judiciary in responding to the public disorder which had followed the tragic events in Southport. 

Dr John Tribe and Professor Rob Stokes take part in the Judges' Service.

Liverpool Law School's Professor Rob Stokes and Dr John Tribe participated in the service.

This annual service not only upholds a historic tradition but also serves as an exceptional learning experience for the next generation of legal professionals. The Liverpool Law School students in attendance gained first-hand exposure to the legal community and the vital role it plays in maintaining justice, both locally and nationally. Their participation in such a distinguished event underscores the university’s commitment to preparing its students for impactful careers in law.

Two Liverpool Law School students with Mr Justice Fancourt.

Liverpool Law School students with Mr Justice Fancourt.