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ILHRU is successful in its bid to become a Member Institute of the Association of Human Rights Institutes

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School of Law and Social Justice building with orange tint and text that reads 'International Law and Human Rights Unit'

Following a successful application led by Dr Amanda Cahill-Ripley we are pleased to announce that the ILHRU is now a Member Institute of The Association of Human Rights Institutes – AHRI.

The AHRI consists of 75 member institutions – and growing – that carry out research and education in the field of human rights across every continent. The objective of AHRI is to promote research, education and discussion in the field of human rights. Amongst their activities, the AHRI host an annual conference as well as adopting Declarations on topical human rights issues.

Membership of the ARHI means that the ILHRU will greatly benefit from enhanced prospects for collaboration and networking with other members, creating opportunities for research, education and discussion in the field of human rights and increasing knowledge exchange and engagement both within academia and externally with those working in human rights practice, policy and programming. Membership of the Unit also aligns with the University of Liverpool Strategy 2026 developing international research collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Furthermore, the ILHRU will make a strong contribution to the development and strengthening of the AHRI network in a number of ways including through introducing new academics, including early career researchers, into the AHRI network, broadening the reach of the AHRI in terms of its mandate and widening its scope in terms of introducing new areas of scholarship or strengthening existing knowledge and research on human rights. We also hope to host the AHRI Annual Conference in the future.

You can follow the work of the ARHI and its members by signing up to the monthly newsletter. If you would like to sign up to receive the newsletter directly you can do so by subscribing via the AHRI website. AHRI also has a twitter account @AHRI_Network. The next AHRI annual conference will be hosted by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria from September 2-3, 2022. The theme for the 2022 conference is ‘Human Rights and Technology’. The call for papers will be circulated soon.

More information on the AHRI and their activities can be found at their website. If you have any questions or would like further information about the AHRI and its work please do not hesitate to contact me at