The European Children's Rights Unit was delighted to welcome Baroness Massey on Tuesday 21st February. Baroness Massey, has been a Labour peer in the House of Lords since 1999 and is a firm advocate of children's rights, sitting on various committees and inquiries relating to children. Baroness Massey started her visit by meeting with a group of primary school pupils (years 2-6) from Summerhill Primary School, Magull. They asked her a number of questions about children's rights, the House of Lords' role in protecting children's rights, and how they go about complaining about issues that concern them locally. Baroness Massey also participated in the ECRU children's rights reading group, organised by ECRU PhD students, and talked with students in the Liverpool Law Clinic who are working on cases involving immigration and statelessness claims. The visit culminated in an excellent, interactive lecture during which Baroness Massey presented the somewhat sobering findings of a recent inquiry into children's rights and social care in England.