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International expert engages in debate over autonomy in Turkey at the University of Lund

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Gaetano Pentassuglia
Gaetano Pentassuglia

Law School International Law Reader, Dr Gaetano Pentassuglia, is part of a pool of internationally recognised experts and Turkish academics that support the scholarly work of the Human Rights Research Network in Turkey. In September he spoke at a two-day workshop on ‘Autonomy as a Minority Right’ which was organized by the Network at the University of Lund in Sweden and acted as one of three panellists in a separate public debate over Turkey chaired and moderated by the Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, Mr Morten Kjaerum.

Bringing together scholars from Turkey, Latvia, Finland, Sweden and the UK as well as involving the general public, the discussions reflected on autonomy arrangements for minority groups in Europe and beyond and the role of international human rights theory and practice in tackling hard cases, including the case of minorities in Turkey. As part of this project Gaetano will feature amongst the international contributors to a follow-up conference that the Network of Turkish experts will organise at the University of Ankara in 2016 together with other leading national and international scholars and practitioners.