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Aruna Seth was born to be in the shoe
business. Her father, Geoff Seth, was the
founder of the Ascot footwear brand and,
as a child Aruna spent much of her time in
his factory, learning the business and even
selling shoes to her school friends.
"You could say it's in my blood," says
Aruna. "I learnt a lot from the family
business but I
always wanted
to strike out on
my own and
design the sort
of shoes I knew
women would
love to wear."
A degree in
European Studies and Geography may not
seem like the obvious choice for an
aspiring shoe designer but that decision,
along with a stint working in the City for an
investment bank, was all part of Aruna's
long-term plan to launch her own luxury
footwear brand.
"My degree gave me a deeper
understanding of the commercial world and
an opportunity to learn languages, which is
good for any entrepreneur. I also felt it
was important to get some experience of
working in a different industry to give me a
more rounded view of business."
Aruna went on to study shoe design at
the London College of Fashion. Her intricate,
bejewelled designs are inspired by both her
heritage ­ her father is Indian, her mother
Jamaican ­ and her travels across the world
to meet clients and attend fashion shows.
However, some of her original inspiration to
create show-stopping
shoes came from
somewhere much
closer to home.
"I was definitely
influenced by my time
in Liverpool," she says.
"Liverpool girls have a
unique, confident style all of their own.
They're very fashion conscious. They dress
to be noticed and to stand out from the
crowd. I really admire that and I've tried to
get that wow factor into my designs."
Despite only starting her business in
2009, Aruna's shoes have already caught
the attention of some of the world's most
glamorous women. Earlier this year she
was shortlisted for the coveted prize of
being `official shoe supplier' to the Royal
Wedding, but in accordance with royal
protocol, the shortlisted candidates were
not told if their shoes had been selected
until after the event.
"It was quite funny," says Aruna,
"because my friends and I watched all the
coverage with our noses pressed against
the TV screen trying to see if anyone was
wearing my shoes!
"When I found out Pippa
Middleton had worn a pair of my
Lynn Silver Heels to the evening
reception, it was such a surprise.
She wore them with a stunning
green Temperley dress, which made
a real statement about her
commitment to up-and-coming British
"I'm incredibly lucky to be able to make
a living out of something I am so
passionate about. Having someone like
Pippa wear my designs is a real honour."
The first Aruna Seth boutique is due to
open in London later this year.
"My degree gave
me a deeper
of the commercial
"I was definitely
influenced by
my time in