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Robert Zeidler
Third-year International Development student
The best thing about being a student at the University of
Liverpool is the community feeling; the circle of friends
that will stay with me for life.
Charlotte Nichols
Second-year Politics student
The best thing about being a student at University of
Liverpool is working with the Liverpool International
College students. Liverpool International College enables
international students to prepare for their degree at the
University. It's personally rewarding to be able to be part
of the process of helping them settle into life in the city,
and it's given me the opportunity to learn a lot about other
countries and cultures.
A small city
with a big heart
full of fond
Home for as
long as I live
My future
The University has launched a new campaign to find out what
the University means to students, past and present. As part of
this campaign, quotes are being gathered from the alumni
community that sum up their experience of being a University
of Liverpool student.
`My Liverpool' celebrates what the University and city means to
alumni, students, staff and city partners. It explores what Liverpool
was in the past, what it is now, and what it will be in the future.
Visit the `My Liverpool' web page at:
liverpool to watch a short film and to send us your own memories of
your time at the University.
For more information about the campaign, please contact:
What does the
University of Liverpool
mean to you?