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ith graduates
in 180 countries
across six continents,
serving an
international alumni
community of more
than 16,000 graduates
is one of the University's most exciting
challenges. And as the number of
international alumni continues to grow by
the year, Alumni Relations Manager for
Networks and Volunteers Andrew Morrison
(pictured right) is the person responsible
for meeting the challenge.
He tells insight about some of the
activity that he has been involved in since
the last issue: "In the past 12 months, we
have worked to create new networks and
develop existing communities in 41 cities,
states, provinces and countries across the
globe," says Andrew. "23 new alumni
ambassadors and key contacts have joined
our 40-strong team of volunteers and, thanks
to their support, it has never been easier for
overseas graduates to keep in touch with us.
I am continually delighted by the enthusiasm
and warmth of the hundreds of graduates
who come to our international events, some of
which I have had the pleasure to attend.
"We hope our calendar of activity for the
coming year (see page 21 for details) will be
as successful as our 2010/2011 programme,
which included an evening at the New York
Circumnavigators Club, a celebration of the
conferment of Lee Bee Wah's (MSc (Eng)
Maritime Civil Engineering 1990) honorary
degree in Singapore, our inaugural reception
in Greece, and several other events across
the globe.
"This year's calendar, which will include a
flagship gala event to launch our Cayman
Islands Alumni Association on the 30th
anniversary of our partnership with the
Cayman Islands Law School, will be
enhanced by an increasing range of
volunteer co-ordinated activity. So far
in the first half of 2011, a Mexican-themed
party in California, a day at the races in
New York, events in Shanghai and a
luncheon in Toronto, Canada, have
been highlights of our ambassador-led
"This year has also seen several
international `firsts'. The University of
Liverpool Malaysia Alumni Association
(ULMAA) held its first AGM and committee
elections, University of Liverpool in
America Inc. celebrated its first anniversary
by making a £4,099 grant to the Benefactors'
Fund, using money raised by our first US
telephone campaign, and inaugural reunions
were held in Taiwan; Queensland, Australia,
Shenzhen, China; San Francisco, USA; and
in Nepal.
Alumni Ambassador for Southern California
Dr Brian Jones (far left) with fellow graduates
and their families at his Mexican-themed party
Inaugural reception in Greece