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A proportion of the Benefactors' Fund is
dedicated to scholarships and bursaries,
which support talented students from
every background.
Somebody who is extremely thankful for
the bursary that he received when he joined
the University is trainee junior doctor Gavin
Lewis (MBChB 2009).
"I chose to come to Liverpool as I knew
that it would be a great place to study and
enjoy university life. The decision to study
medicine was influenced very much by
`chicks, money, power and chicks' in the
words of Dr Cox from Scrubs, but seriously
I also really liked science!
"I needed the bursary to go towards
books and living costs, which relieved
some of the financial burden and helped
me to concentrate on my exams in third
and fourth year.
"Thanks to the bursary, I am now in a
brilliant career. We meet people when they are
at their most vulnerable and being in a
position to help them through their vulnerable
situation makes the long hours worthwhile."
"To anyone who is thinking of giving money
to support a scholarship or bursary, I'd say
that your kindness is greatly appreciated and
you are not only supporting an individual, but
supporting their career aspirations too."
Areas of greatest need
University libraries
Scholarships, bursaries
and student hardship
In the last year £214,374.38 raised
through the Benefactors' Fund has
been allocated as follows:
Bursary recipient,
Gavin Lewis
Improvements to
learning facilities