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First-year Chemistry student Dr Edmund Haws
(BSc Hons Chemistry 1956, PhD 1961) and second-year
Biology student Hilda Haws (née Joyce)
(BSc Biology 1959) met at a Saturday night dance at
Liverpool Guild of Students, and in August celebrated
51 years as husband and wife.
Ed said: "After graduating Hilda became a teacher
at a girls' grammar school and then a lecturer at a further
education college in Wolverhampton. I began as a
research chemist at Shell's Thornton Research Centre
and then moved into higher education as a lecturer at
Wolverhampton Polytechnic."
The couple now have two children and seven
grandchildren who all live in Surrey. They last visited
Liverpool in 2009 when they attended an alumni dinner.
Alumni ambassador for
Mumbai Sanket Khanolkar
(MBA Entrepreneurship 2008)
and Surabhi Saxena
(MSc Eng Product Design
& Managament 2008)
met at an International Students
Party when they joined the
University. They started dating
after a year.
On their first date they went to
Tea Gather, a restaurant near their
halls of residence, Melville Grove.
They got engaged in 2009 and
married in 2010 in Hyderabad.
Surabhi now works as a brand
manager and Sanket is a director
of business development for an
IT firm.
Sanket said: "The last time
we visited Liverpool was for our
graduation ceremony. We haven't
been back since but are really
looking forward to coming
back soon and reliving some
happy memories."
hoosing to study their degree at the
University of Liverpool is often the
start of a life-changing journey for
many students. For a number of
alumni, their experience at University
was particularly life-changing as
they not only obtained a prestigious
degree, but also met the person with whom
they would spend the rest of their lives!
A match
made in...