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Some of the projects that have
so far benefited from the
Benefactors' Fund:
· £47,000 - enabled the opening
of the Careers Express
· £12,000 - upgraded PCs in a
teaching room in the Sydney
Jones Library
· £40,000 - Guild of Students
volunteering programme
· £61,200 - high-speed wind tunnel
in the School of Engineering
· £20,000 - gamma ray detector in
the Department of Physics
· £30,000 - facilitated the opening of
an International Student Centre
· £5,000 - Department of
Chemistry Personal Response
System (PRS) units.
Read the next page for details
of more recent grants that have
been awarded through the
Benefactors' Fund.
his year the University's
Benefactors' Fund will
achieve a significant
milestone in reaching
£1 million since the Fund
was launched. Building
on this success,
the team is now looking to the next
£1 million by launching a new
campaign; 1,000 for £1,000.
The 1,000 for £1,000 campaign provides
a flexible way for supporters to make their
gift on an individually affordable basis,
whether you choose to give a single gift of
£1,000, or spread your donations over a
number of months or years. That could
work out at less than £1 per day if you
pledged a monthly gift over three years,
so for less than your daily coffee you can
play a part in changing the lives of
students at Liverpool.
Annual Giving Manager, Dr Lisa
Hannah-Stewart, said: "Thanks to the
donations from alumni, this year the Fund
will reach the £1 million mark. Now we are
asking our alumni community to help us
achieve our next million.
"So far, with the amazing generosity
shown by our graduates, we have been
able to do things for our students that
never would have otherwise been possible;
we'd love for that support to continue. We
hope the 1,000 for £1,000 campaign
will help strengthen the sense of
community that is already shared
amongst our alumni. We have a
number of pledges already, but we
need more ­ whether that is by
pledging to the campaign with a gift
of just £10 per month or with a single
gift of £1,000 ­ all gifts help us to
make a real difference to the lives
of our students."
A number
of people have
already pledged
to join the
campaign such
as Georgette
Zinaty (MBA 2008)
(pictured left),
who said:
"For me,
supporting the
campaign is about
making a difference to future alumni and is
genuinely driven by my desire to give back
to my Liverpool. I received a scholarship in
support of my MBA and it was the tipping
point in my decision to study here. The
other reason every alumnus and friend of
the University should give is pride of place;
supporting the strength of position of the
institution and ensuring its continued
competitiveness in the world."