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may not have a Great
Glass Elevator in any of
his factories, but a lifelong
involvement in the chocolate
industry means that John
Chuang (BEng Mechanical
Engineering 1973), known as
the Chocolate King of Singapore, probably
knows more than most about chocolate,
including fictional hero Willy Wonka!
Born in Burma, John grew up surrounded
by a family of chocolate makers. After
moving the family to Indonesia, his father
founded the Silver Queen brand of chocolate
in the 1950s which is probably how he
developed his love for chocolates.
In 1970 John decided to study in
Liverpool because of the excellent tertiary
course structure that was offered.
"My father was keen for me and my
brother to complete our studies in the UK,"
says John. "I chose Liverpool because at the
time I was already involved in my father's
chocolate business and wanted to
understand how factories and plants worked.
The course at Liverpool was unique and
ahead of its day, offering a mechanical
engineering course that incorporated
business studies."
Throughout the three years of his
course John stayed in Derby Halls
of Residence, or "the big one overlooking the
park" as he describes it. He made many
friends in halls, including CH Tan (BEng
Electrical Engineering 1973) who is now
Executive Director of Venture Corporation
in Singapore, who he reconnected with
a few years ago. They now
meet for lunch once a year,
and John attended his
daughter's wedding
last year.
"My connection with the
University has only really
been re-formed in the last
year, but I am pleased to
find out about what is
happening at the place
that played a great part
in where I am today."
After graduating from Liverpool and after
a brief stint in the US, John returned home to
take over the chocolate business his father
had built and in 1984 moved to Singapore to
start Petra Foods Limited with his two
younger brothers.
Today, John has built and grown the scale
of Petra foods to what it is currently -
the number one chocolate company in
Southeast Asia, the largest cocoa ingredients
processor in Asia and the fourth largest in
the world. In fact, two of Petra's chocolate
brands are now Indonesia's most popular
chocolate confectionery brands. Petra also
distributes third-party
brands such as Toblerone
or Mars, which means that
more than 50% of the
chocolate bought in the
country is either made by
Petra or distributed by
the company.
This means that the
business now takes John,
the self-confessed
chocolate lover, all over
the world. "I carry a few bars with me
wherever I travel," says John. "Despite this,
I can't beat the UK or US average record
for chocolate eating which are both
notoriously high!"
"I carry a few
bars with me
wherever I