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Tom Godwin
Third-year Philosophy and Politics student
The best thing about being a student at the
University of Liverpool is the city and the
people. The University and the city are
intimately linked. I love campus, I love the
city, and the Sydney Jones Library is like a
second home to me.
Jessica King
MRes Criminological Research student
The best thing about being a student at
Liverpool is living in a city that is full of
vibrance, energy and charisma. No
matter what time of day it is, there
is never a dull moment. Liverpool
for me represents a bag of pick
`n' mix, stuffed full of an
eclectic mixture of people.
But despite the variety,
everyone comes
together as a
Liverpool has set
the bar high for me,
and I think any other
city will struggle
to match up
to it!!
Maev McDaid
Guild President
The best thing about being a student at University of
Liverpool is the city itself. It provides opportunities for
people of all backgrounds to come together as one
community. As a student here there has always been a
place for me at diverse events hosted in the city from
arts and culture, to education and politics. The University
finds itself at the heart of a welcoming and exciting city,
where students will always have a second home. I have
been here for over five years and I don't plan on going
anywhere else anytime soon!
insight caught up with a number of
current students to find out what they
think is the best thing about being a
student at the University in 2011.
If you would like to tell us what the
University means to you please see the next
page for details of how you can get involved.