
An unusual marsupial urinary lipocalin - vulpeculin

Grace M. Loxley, David O. Hooks, Aristotelis Antonopoulos, Anne Dell, Stuart M. Haslam, Wayne L. Linklater, Jane L. Hurst and Robert J. Beynon (2020) Vulpeculin: a novel and abundant lipocalin in the urine of the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula. Open Biology Open Biol. 10: 200218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsob.200218 [PDF] [PUBMED] [DOI] [Abstract...]

A new lipocalin, fully sequenced, from bank voles

Loxley GM, Unsworth J, Turton MJ, Jebb A, Lilley KS, Simpson DM, Rigden DJ, Hurst JL, Beynon RJ. (2017) Glareosin: a novel sexually dimorphic urinary lipocalin in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus. [PDF] [PUBMED]

Complete de novo sequencing of a mouse lemur protein

Jennifer Unsworth, Grace M. Loxley, Amanda Davidson, Jane L. Hurst, Guadalupe GoĢmez-Baena, Nicholas I. Mundy, Robert J. Beynon, Elke Zimmermann & Ute Radespiel. (2017) Characterisation of urinary WFDC12 in small nocturnal basal primates, mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.) [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]