
PhosphoLFQ of NF-kB/RelA in DNA damage

Amy E Campbell, Caterina Ferraz Franco, Ling-I Su, Emma K Corbin, Simon Perkins, Anton Kalyuzhnyy, Andrew R Jones, Philip J Brownridge, Neil D Perkins, Claire E Eyers (2021) Temporal modulation of the NF-κB RelA network in response to different types of DNA damage Biochem J doi: 10.1042/BCJ20200627. Online ahead of print. [Abstract...]

Using stable isotopes to track sperm competition

Paula Stockley, Catarina Franco, Amy J. Claydon, Amanda Davidson, Dean E. Hammond, Philip J. Brownridge, Jane L. Hurst, and Robert J. Beynon (2020) Revealing mechanisms of mating plug function under sexual selection. [PDF] [PUBMED] [DOI] [Abstract...]

Plasticity of the mouse seminal vesical fluid proteome

Helen L Bayram, Catarina Franco, Philip Brownridge, Amy J Claydon, Natalie Koch, Jane L Hurst, Robert J Beynon, Paula Stockley (2020) Social status and ejaculate composition in the house mouse [PDF] [PUBMED] [DOI] [Abstract...]