
An unusual marsupial urinary lipocalin - vulpeculin

Grace M. Loxley, David O. Hooks, Aristotelis Antonopoulos, Anne Dell, Stuart M. Haslam, Wayne L. Linklater, Jane L. Hurst and Robert J. Beynon (2020) Vulpeculin: a novel and abundant lipocalin in the urine of the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula. Open Biology Open Biol. 10: 200218. [PDF] [PUBMED] [DOI] [Abstract...]

Bottom up analysis of glycosidic bond stereochemistry

Gray CJ, Schindler B, Migas LG, Pičmanová M, Allouche AR, Green AP, Mandal S, Motawia MS, Sánchez-Pérez R, Bjarnholt N, Møller BL, Rijs AM, Barran PE, Compagnon I, Eyers CE, Flitsch SL. (2017) Bottom-Up Elucidation of Glycosidic Bond Stereochemistry. [PUBMED] [PDF]

Ion mobility for glycan analysis

Gray CJ, Thomas B, Upton R, Migas LG, Eyers CE, Barran PE, Flitsch SL. (2016) Applications of ion mobility mass spectrometry for high throughput, high resolution glycan analysis. [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]

Review of ion mobility MS for glycan sequencing

Gray CJ, Thomas B, Upton R, Migas LG, Eyers CE, Barran PE, Flitsch SL. (2016) Applications of ion mobility mass spectrometry for high throughput, high resolution glycan analysis. [Abstract...]