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Dr Ingeborg Welters
Prof (apl.) Dr. med.


Personal Statement:

I am a clinical academic in Intensive Care Medicine and Lead of a large clinical research team. My research experience ranges from in-vitro techniques to observational and interventional clinical studies. After finishing my MD thesis I performed several research projects on immune and clotting changes during sepsis and major surgery. I received my “venia legendi” in Anaesthesiology (comparable to PhD) after successful submission of my thesis on effects of analgesics on leukocyte function in 2002. In 2009 I was awarded a Personal Chair by the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany. My research projects on acute and long-term consequences of critical illness and surgical trauma have been funded by the National Institute of Health (USA), the German Research fund (DFG), the National Institute of Health research (UK), the British Heart Foundation (UK), and the Economic and Social Research Council (UK).

My clinical career includes specialist training in Anaesthesiology at the University Hospital Giessen in Germany, followed by a Fellowship in Cardiac Anaesthesia. I trained in Critical Care Medicine in Oxford, UK, and in Giessen, Germany, where I worked as a consultant in Cardiac Anaesthesia before taking up my current position at the University of Liverpool and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital in 2005.

Cardiovascular dysfunction caused by infection, haemodynamic monitoring and echocardiography have since been my major clinical interests. My research expertise includes laboratory techniques, clinical trials, observational studies and systematic reviews.

Prizes or Honours

  • Außerplanmäßige Professur (Personal Chair) (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany, 2009)