Professional Activities
Presented papers, short summary:
(Forthcoming) AERA Denver April 2025, chairing BELMAS Symposium.
UCEA Los Angeles November 2024, to represent BELMAS and chaired an international paper session.
BERA Manchester September 2024, presented in the joint BELMAS-BERA Educational Leadership SIG paper session.
ECER Cyprus September 2024, contributed to Network 26 Educational Leadership.
BELMAS Glasgow July 2024, chaired LPD RIG event.
AERA Philadelphia April 2024, chaired BELMAS symposium.
IESE York, January 2024, presented on (Lack of) Race Equity in ITTE.
SERA Edinburgh November 2023, symposium papers on book launch.
IEAL-J Jamaica October 2023, chaired BELMAS symposium.
BERA Birmingham September 2023, contributed to joint BELMAS-BERA Educational Leadership SIG paper session.
ECER Glasgow August 2023 contributed to Network 26 Educational Leadership.
BELMAS Joint presentation on LPD in Sweden & England, BELMAS Conference Belfast, 14th-16th July, 2023.
BESA, 29-30th June, BESA Conference 2023 - BESA | British Education Studies Association:
1) Feminism, Prevent & PSHE: Andrew Tate, INCEL, and misogyny in schools, with Helen Hinde (Asst Head, Meols Cop School) and Sally Siner (DCC, Prevent Officer)
2) The Pentagon: the mentoring experience of a current Psychology Student, with both placement mentors, PGCE Programme Leader and Alliance Lead Tutor
3) Flourishing: an examination of a curriculum to develop well-being in schools with a senior school leader (with Vi Gandhi, Head of Psychology, Trent College)
Invited National Keynote, ‘Beyond the Golden Threads’, Open University’s The LIFHE (Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education) Research Group, 3rd March 2023.
British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, September 7th, 2022. Symposium from our Post-Pandemic Leadership in Education Blog series: “School leadership in a time of Covid: Learning to cope with the system changes” School leadership in a time of Covid: Learning to cope with the system changes.
Invited Talk, IESE, July 15th 2022 LSBU, London, Institute of Educational & Social Equity: ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: the International Baccalaureate, the way forward for inter-disciplinary learning in the 21st century’.
BELMAS July 8-10th 2022 Liverpool, BELMAS Annual Conference 2022: ‘Leadership for Global Citizenship: An examination of the IB Diploma’, with Sally Flint.
ICET June 21-23rd 2022 Bath Spa: Upcoming World Assembly - International Council on Education for Teaching: ‘Charitable organisations in education in England: creative global teacher education communities thriving post-pandemic, or for-profit solutions encouraged by government policy?’, with Bethany Kelly.
ICET June 21-23rd 2022 Bath Spa: ‘The changing role of the Head of School: an examination of School Trusts’, with Megan Crawford.
@WomenEd Online, November 16th, 2021, ‘Creating Biographical Trajectories: Developing School and HE partnerships’, part of the @WomenEd partnerships series
BELMAS 50th Symposium Online, October 13th 2021, ‘Why engage with BELMAS and the practitioner/academic interface?’, 50th Anniversary Celebration 2021
WELS Symposium Online, September 29th, as part of 28th-30th, 2021, ‘System Leadership in England’
BELMAS 50th Anniversary Symposium, September 7th, 2021 . Trio of Papers from Russia, Sweden and England. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Geneva (online).
EERA, ECER Symposium September 6th, 2021, ‘National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for School Leaders in England - Have We Gone Wrong?’, September 9th 2021, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), part of a BELMAS 50th Symposium
2020- 2021:
Who Cares Now? Gender and Care Professions, Brunel University London, July 15th 2021, co-delivered with Vivienne Porritt, ‘#WomenEd: a global movement for being 10% braver’:
BELMAS Annual Conference, ‘Teaching School Hubs, the way ahead?’ July 3rd, 2021. 50th Anniversary Celebration 2021
BELMAS Annual Conference, co-delivered with Vivienne Porritt, ‘#WomenEd: a global movement for Leadership that women want?’, July 2nd, 2021. 50th Anniversary Celebration 2021
Global Education Leadership Perspectives Annual Conference, ‘Global Leadership: a current view from the English system?’, University of Worcester, June 18th, 2021: Global Perspectives: Educational Leadership
Liverpool Hope and University of Derby, ‘Engaging in Research’ joint online conference, May 28th, 2021
UCET Annual Conference Online, November 4th, 2020, ‘Engaging teachers and leaders in ongoing critical research, through the new Frameworks in ITT/E Core Content; Early Career; Ofsted; and beyond’,
WELS Symposium Online, September 3rd, 2020, Education Policy and Governance in England:
[Accepted Paper] BELMAS Annual Conference, Roundtable, July 4th 2020, ‘Opportunity Areas: Educational Leadership for a Sustainable Future?’
BELMAS LPD Online RIG meeting, June 16th 2020, Ashville College, Harrogate, presentation on ‘NPQEL: view from the insider practitioner perspective’ as part of research into NPQs and their re-framing, nationally.
[Accepted Paper] Who Cares Now? Gender and Care Professions, Brunel University London, April 2nd 2020, co-delivered with Vivienne Porritt, ‘#WomenEd: a global movement for being 10% braver’:
Joint BELMAS LPD RIG and Structural Reform RIG meeting, IoE, UCL, November 29th 2019, Chair for the presentation on ‘The Middle Tier: counting the costs of the education system’,
Conference presentations, summary, last 15 years
International Professional Development Association (IPDA) (2009-2022, not 2019)
Teacher Education Action Network (TEAN) (2009-2012)
New Horizons PGR Conference Derby (2009-2015)
University of Derby’s Learning and Teaching Conference, Buxton (2009-2015)
British Educational Studies Association (BESA) (2009-2013) and June 2023
British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2009-2013 as ECR); BELMAS Symposium, 2015; Educational Leadership SIG Symposium, 2022
British Educational Leadership and Management Administration Society (BELMAS) (2015-) usual present with a senior school leader
University of Warwick’s Learning Development Centre Annual Conference (2015-2018)
University of Warwick’s Research in Action Conference (2015-2021)
Association of Teacher Educators in Europe (ATEE) – 2016, Netherlands part of a Warwick Centre for Teacher Education (CTE) action research project
American Educational Research Association (AERA) – 2017, San Antonio Texas, presented as part of BELMAS Symposium
(UCET) (2015-2020)
@WomenEd Unconference (2016-)