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Richard Potter

Dr Richard Potter
MPhys (hons), MInstP, PhD



Smart Materials

Smart materials are a fascinating group of materials that respond to an external stimulus in a significant and exploitable fashion. Examples of smart materials include: - Shape memory alloys - Piezoelectric materials - Electrostrictive materials - Magnetostrictive materials - Photostrictive materials - Magnetorheological fluids - Electrorheological fluids - Ferrofluids - Biomimetic materials - Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) - These are not strictly speaking 'Smart Materials',


Electronic and Optoelectronic materials and devices

Functional materials and the devices that utilise these are central to my teaching interests. Major topics that I cover include: - Semiconductor physics - Device fabrication methods - Materials - Devices - Conventional capacitors - Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors - p-n junctions diodes - MOS Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) - Light emitting diodes (LEDs) - Photo-diodes - Laser diodes

Design 2 - Group design

In this module, we set year 2 Mechanical Engineering students a design challenge at the start of the year and then get them to work through a 'Total Design' process in small groups. In recent years, we have set students design challenges relating to novel smoothie makers and kick scooters. The students have to consider a wide range of aspects of the design process including: - Product design specification - Market research - Review of existing patents - Conceptual design - Concept selection - Engineering science - Detailed design - CAD - 2D technical drawing generation - Process selection - Material selection

Modules for 2024-25


Module code: MATS402

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Manufacturing Systems

Module code: MNFG321

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Manufacturing Systems

Module code: MNFG401

Role: Module Co-ordinator


Module code: MATS315

Role: Module Co-ordinator


Module code: MATS515

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Supervised Theses