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The Metabolomics facility at Liverpool is the first dedicated multi-institute metabolomics facility in the north of England. I was appointed at its inception to manage and develop the metabolomics capabilities at Liverpool and have subsequently developed over 40 research projects including training and support for over 300 researchers (BSc, MSc, PhD, Post-doctoral associates, academics and clinicians). I also pioneered sharing of best practice in the technique via annual outreach programmes (statistical, computational and symposia) to serve and develop the metabolomics community. In 2014 I co-founded the ResoN8 facility managers group which coordinates research training and early career researcher events in the biochemistry and biophysics communities. I organised and ran the first Biochemistry and Biophysics N8 symposium with funds awarded from both the Biochemistry Society and the British Biophysical Societies. These activities contributed to capabilities grants awarded in 2014 to Prof Andy Jones (BB/M020282/1), in 2015 to Sir Munir Pirmohamed: and in 2018 to Dr F Blanc: (EP/S013393/1).

Please feel free to contact via email regarding high-field NMR applications (Metabolomics, Protein Characterisation and Biochemistry), collaborations and research.

