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Joanne Meehan

Professor Joanne Meehan

Professional Activities

I work with a range of organisations, providing contract research and consultancy. Themes of recent commissions centre on; procurement maturity, social value, collaborative procurement, and commercial development. All works is informed by, and informs, leading academic research and seeks to challenge the status quo.

Conference Roles

  • Keynote talk: Blinded by technology? Exposing procurement’s strategic blind spots. PfHLive conference (CIH Annual Conference), Manchester Central, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (PfH Live, 2019)


  • International Journal of Public Sector Management (Guest Co-Editor; Public Procurement as a Policy Tool, 2016 - present)
  • Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management (Guest Co-Editor; Novel methods in Purchasing and Supply Management research, 2016 - present)
  • Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (Associate Editor, 2015 - present)
  • British Journal of Management (Reviewer,, 2014 - present)
  • Industrial Marketing Management (Reviewer,, 2013 - present)
  • International Journal of Operations & Production Management (Reviewer,, 2012 - present)
  • Journal of Business Ethics (Reviewer,, 2012 - present)

Examination Roles

  • University of Bath, PhD (2023)
  • University of Surrey, PhD (2022)
  • Liverpool John Moores University, DBA (PhD, 2022)
  • Lancaster University, PhD (2019)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, PhD (2018)
  • Harper Adams University, PhD (2017)
  • University of Birmingham, PhD (2017)
  • University of Birmingham, DBA (2016)
  • University of Salford, PhD (2016)
  • University of Cardiff, PhD (2016)
  • University of Liverpool, PhD (2015)
  • University of Glamorgan, PhD (2013)
  • Liverpool John Moores University, PhD (2010)
  • Liverpool John Moores University, PhD (2009)
  • Liverpool John Moores University, PhD (2009)
  • University of West of Scotland, MSc (PGT, 2008)
  • University of Paisley, MSc (PGT, 2008)
  • Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, PGCert (2003)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Director of Studies (PGT) (2017 - 2018)
  • Director of Studies (PGT) (2016 - 2017)

Media Appearances

  • Finding the right future for your function, Procurement Leaders (Invited, December 2018)
  • The Challenge of Value-based Procurement in the NHS, In-supply (Invited, October 2018)
  • Titans or Networked - two very different supply chain scenarios, Supply Management (Invited, June 2018)
  • The future of procurement and supply management in social housing, Procurement for Housing "insight" (Invited, June 2018)
  • The future of procurement and supply management, Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (Invited, 2018)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • Invited talk: Procurement for Housing, PfH Live conference (2018 - present)
  • Equity Housing Group; Exploring social value across supply networks (2015 - present)
  • Re:allies; Social housing procurement consortia (2015 - present)
  • NW NHS Procurement Development; Value based procurement (2015 - present)
  • KTP with Cartrefi Conwy. Commercial development of building maintenance service. Awarded A grade (2012 - 2013)
  • Liverpool Mutual Homes; Procurement maturity (2014 - 2015)
  • Cartrefi Conwy; Procurement development and maturity (2014 - 2015)
  • KTP with NW Fire & Rescue Authorities. Funded by ESRC and TSB. Regional collaborative procurement. Awarded A rating. (2009 - 2011)
  • KTP with Fusion 21. Funded by TSB and ESRC. Life cycle costings in procurement. (2009 - 2011)
  • Invited talk: PfH Live 2014 (CIH conference) (2014)
  • Invited talk: PfH Live 2014 (CIH conference) (2014)
  • Invited talk: Chartered Institute of Housing (2013)
  • CIH/Pfh live 2013 (2013)
  • Procurement for Housing (2011 - present)
  • Procurement Leaders (2010 - present)
  • Knowsley Housing Trust and Knowsley Chamber of Commerce. (2010 - 2011)
  • Cobalt Housing ( - 2010)
  • Procurement for Housing ( - 2012)
  • University of the West of Scotland ( - 2010)
  • Invited keynote speech: "Commercialisation in the Social Housing Sector: Friend or Foe". Social Hou ( - 2013)
  • CIPS Chester & North Wales Branch ( - 2013)
  • Invited talk: "Power in B2B relationships". NW University Procurement Consortium, Conference On Uni ( - 2013)
  • CIPS Merseyside ( - 2012)
  • University of the West Scotland Business School, ( - 2010)
  • NWDA and Splinter Design ( - 2009)
  • Rolls Royce ( - 2008)
  • Cobalt Housing ( - 2008)
  • Achieve and Aspire ( - 2009)
  • CIPS Merseyside ( - 2008)
  • BAE Systems ( - 2008)
  • 10th Pan-European procurement conference (Procurecon) ( - 2008)
  • MedImmune ( - 2007)
  • Rolls Royce ( - 2007)
  • Pilkingtons ( - 2007)
  • Sinopec Oil ( - 2006)
  • 8th Pan-European strategic sourcing event (Procurecon) ( - 2005)

Professional Body Memberships

  • IPSERA (Member of the Scientific Committee, 2020 - present)
  • British Association of Management (Member, 2019 - present)
  • Institute of Supply Management (Member)
  • Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (Expert Panel Member - Syllabus review)
  • Higher Education Academy (Fellow, 2003 - present)

Publication Reviews

  • Reviewer, Invited (Industrial Marketing Management, Pre-publication)
  • Reviewer, Invited (International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Pre-publication)
  • Reviewer, Invited (Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Pre-publication)
  • Reviewer, Invited (British Journal of Management, Pre-publication)
  • Reviewer, Invited (Public Administration: an international quarterly, Pre-publication)
  • Reviewer, Invited (Journal of Business Ethics, Pre-publication)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Supervisor to Bruce Pinnington, PhD. 2017. An Exploration of Antecedents to Value from b2b Collaboration.
  • Supervisor to Colette Russell, PhD. 2016. Causal explanations in a failed public sector reform project; a morphogenetic approach of FireControl
  • Supervisor to Emily Jervis, PhD. 2016. Overcoming institutional pressures and diffusing low carbon strategies in construction supply chains.
  • Supervisor to Laura Menzies, PhD. 2015. Developing an older persons housing and integrated care strategy for older persons in North Wales
  • Director of the Liverpool MBA 2016-2018