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Servitization in manufacturing companies

Researching servitization (including digital servitization) from both marketing and operations perspectives. The paper ‘Raddats, C., Kowalkowski, C., Benedettini, O., Burton, J., & Gebauer, H. (2019). Servitization: A contemporary thematic review of four major research streams, Industrial Marketing Management, 83, 207-223’ is one of the most cited in the journal since 2018.

Service innovation in manufacturers

Investigating how manufacturers create innovative services for their customers. Please see our recent paper on this topic, ‘Raddats, C., Naik, P. & Ziaee Bigdeli, A. (2022). Creating value in servitization through digital service innovations, Industrial Marketing Management, 104, 1-13’.

Guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Service Management on digital service innovation, ‘Opazo-Basáez, M., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Bustinza. O. & Raddats, C. (2024). Digital Service Innovation: Ontology, context and theory, Journal of Service Management, 35(2), 129-140’.

B2B branding

The impact of branding in a B2B manufacturing context. Please see our recent paper on this topic, ‘Raddats. C., Roper, S. & Ashman, R. (2024). The role of services in creating brand loyalty for B2B manufacturers, Journal of Business Research, 174, 114506’.

Research grants

The role of innovative financing for advanced services provision


March 2021 - December 2021