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Jmol animations

Stereospecific E2 eliminations - two diastereoisomeric chlorides derived from menthol give two different regioisomers of alkene.

Play the animation. Zoom in and take a closer look

Manipulate the model to explore the arrangements of the protons and the chlorine. Are they antiperiplanar as required for E2?

Using the frame next button, manipulate the model to flip the cyclohexane rings from one chair form to another. Can you arrange the model to mimic the 3-D diagrams below? Spacefill off may make things a bit clearer.

Examine the animated energy plots of Diastereoisomer A and Diastereoisomer B to determine the relative energies of the antiperiplanar conformations required for E2 elimination.

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Combining spin with animations can be useful


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