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Research Interest 1

ancient economies: theories and methods of analysis; social and economic history of the Mediterranean region in Classical antiquity; cultural history; luxuries and consumption; ancient emporia; technology and innovation; the Black Sea and south-eastern Europe in Antiquity.

Research grants

Labour in the Hellenistic Age: Workers, Wages, and Markets


October 2020 - September 2024

Household Economies of Ancient Olynthos


June 2018 - July 2022

Retail and wholesale exchange in the Greek and Roman eastern Mediterranean


October 2011 - December 2016

The British Archaeological Project at the Iron Age emporium of Vetren-Pistiros, Bulgaria


May 2006 - October 2006

The British Archaeological Project at the Iron Age emporium of Vetren-Pistiros, Bulgaria.


May 2004 - May 2005

    Research collaborations

    Professor Lisa Nevett

    Domestic space and household dynamics at Olynthos, Greece

    University of Michigan

    A new project (2014-) to explore in detail the behavioural history of a Classical household. This project is operating under the auspices of the British School at Athens and has received a permit for 5 years of fieldwork in Greece at the ancient city of Olynthos.

    Professor Veronique Chankowski

    Les marchés dans le monde antique: espaces, pratiques, institutions (2007 – 2013)

    University of Lyon 3

    Joint coordination of the international project, 'Les marches antiques', sponsored by the CNRS (2007-2014).

    Raymond Descat, Patrice Brun, and colleagues, University of Bordeaux III

    Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France)

    A major research project, part-funded by France’s CNRS (as a Groupe de Recherche International , or GDRI), entitled: ‘Les marchés dans le monde antique: espaces, pratiques, institutions’ (2007 – 2013). The only event planned to take place in the United Kingdom was scheduled in Liverpool (January 2012). The international research project brings together teams from twelve institutions – CNRS, (comprising Ausonius : institut de recherche sur l'antiquité et le moyen age - IRAM (UMR 5607), Bordeaux; the Centre Camille Jullian - Archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine (UMR 6573) and the Centre Gustave Glotz (UMR 8585), École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales); Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3; Université de Provence Marseille-Aix 1; Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne; Université de Lille 3 ; École française d’Athènes ; Université Libre de Bruxelles ; University of Liverpool ; University of Toronto ; University of Parma; and the University of Chicago. Previous colloquia in the series were in Bordeaux (2007) and Paris (2007: ‘Agoranomes et Ediles’, I and II); Brussels (2008: on the economic role of pottery); and Athens (2009: Tout vendre, tout acheter: structures et équipements des marchés antiques’). The University of Parma is hosting the next event in the series, in October 2010. A project website ( provides information about events and will supply searchable data bases connected with markets in Greco-Roman antiquity (under development at the University of Lille 3 and Brussels). This is the largest and most ambitious international initiative that aims to examine markets and their institutions in the Mediterranean region and adjacent areas, and to publish analyses in a variety of media. Major events have included opportunities for public participation and discussion. The Liverpool colloquium has built on two recent events that have explored the physical environment of buying and selling (Athens 2009; ‘Entrepôts et systèmes de stockage dans le monde gréco-romain’, ANR, Aix en Provence, March 2010). The purpose of the Liverpool event is to provide closer analysis of the institutional infrastructure of retail and wholesale, and to examine more fully the implications of commodity sales. Papers have been organised around specific aspects of exchange and take account of recent archaeological research, which has highlighted the close physical inter-connection, in some locations at least, between bulk storage facilities and smaller, establishments, operating as retail outlets and workshops. It is in this context that the institutional infrastructure can usefully be re-examined. The event brings together a number of key UK experts in the field alongside members of the international research team, further extending the scope of the existing network of leading international scholars.

    Dr. Peter Pavuk

    Institute of Classical Archaeology, Director

    Charles University, Prague

    joint collaboration in fieldwork at the ancient Iron Age emporium at Vetren-Pistiros, central Bulgaria