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Yannis Tzioumakis

Professor Yannis Tzioumakis
Ph.D, MA, Ptycheion (BA equivalent)


+44 (0)151 794 2897 Ext. 42897


Selected publications

  1. After the 'Great Studio Pullback of ’08': Late Indiewood and American Independent Film Theatrical Distribution in the Age of Streaming (2008-2019) (Journal article - 2023)
  2. Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity (Book - 2023)
  3. Rock around the Clock: Exploitation, Rock 'n' Roll and the Origins of Youth Culture (Book - 2023)
  4. Acting Indie: Industry, Aesthetics, and Performance (Book - 2019)
  5. Conning all over the World: Latin American Variations of an American Film Genre (Journal article - 2018)
  6. The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era (Book - 2018)
  7. American Independent Cinema (Book - 2017)
  8. What Makes a Film ‘Greek’: Inward Investment, Outward Aspirations and the Case of Jules Dassin’s 'Pote tin Kyriaki/Never on Sunday' (1960) (Journal article - 2017)
  9. The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics (Book - 2016)
  10. Hollywood's Indies: Classics Divisions, Specialty Labels and the American Film Market (Book - 2012)
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When Hollywood Came to Greece

Tzioumakis, Y. (2024). When Hollywood Came to Greece. In The Routledge Companion to American Film History (pp. 259-268). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003461647-30



Down By Law (1986)

Tzioumakis, Y. (2023). Down By Law (1986). In J. Wyatt, & W. Phillips (Eds.), Screening American Independent Film (pp. 243-251). London: Routledge.


Indie (Film On) TV: A Tale of Two Very Close Friends

Tzioumakis, Y. (2023). Indie (Film On) TV: A Tale of Two Very Close Friends. In J. Lyons, & Y. Tzioumakis (Eds.), Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity (pp. 39-58). London: Routledge.


Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity

Lyons, J., & Tzioumakis, Y. (Eds.) (2023). Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity. London: Routledge.



Lyons, J., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2023). Introduction. In J. Lyons, & Y. Tzioumakis (Eds.), Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity (pp. 1-19). London: Routledge.


Sofia Coppola, Indiewood, and Performance

Baron, C., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2023). Sofia Coppola, Indiewood, and Performance. In S. Ferriss (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Sofia Coppola (pp. 255-278). New York: Bloomsbury.


Rock around the Clock: Exploitation, Rock 'n' Roll and the Origins of Youth Culture

Tzioumakis, Y., & Lincoln, S. (2024). Rock around the Clock: Exploitation, Rock 'n' Roll and the Origins of Youth Culture. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315544908



Historical Coincidence or Generic Cross-Pollination: 'The Angry Hills' and the Birth of Film Noir in Greece

Tzioumakis, Y. (2022). Historical Coincidence or Generic Cross-Pollination: 'The Angry Hills' and the Birth of Film Noir in Greece. In A. Poupou, N. Fessas, & M. Chalkou (Eds.), Greek Film Noir (pp. 62-80). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


'Here Comes the Hotstepper': The Hollywood Renaissance, Indie Film, and Robert Altman's Comeback in the 1990s

Tzioumakis, Y. (2022). 'Here Comes the Hotstepper': The Hollywood Renaissance, Indie Film, and Robert Altman's Comeback in the 1990s. In L. Dombrowski, & J. Wyatt (Eds.), Refocus: The Later Films and Legacy of Robert Altman (pp. 117-136). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.



Locating and Localizing Media Industry Studies

Aitaki, G., Papadimitriou, L., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2021). Locating and Localizing Media Industry Studies. In P. McDonald (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media Industries (pp. 107-116). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429275340-10


'Becoming John Hughes': Regional Production, Hyphenate Filmmaking and Independence within Hollywood

Tzioumakis, Y. (2021). 'Becoming John Hughes': Regional Production, Hyphenate Filmmaking and Independence within Hollywood. In T. Shary, & F. Smith (Eds.), Refocus: The Films of John Hughes (pp. 44-63). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.



The Next Step: Orion Pictures as the New United Artists (1978-1985)

Tzioumakis, Y. (2020). The Next Step: Orion Pictures as the New United Artists (1978-1985). In P. Krämer, G. Needham, Y. Tzioumakis, & T. Balio (Eds.), United Artists (pp. 231-250). London: Routledge.


United Artists

Krämer, P., Needham, G., Tzioumakis, Y., & Balio, T. (Eds.) (n.d.). United Artists. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429058332


Introduction to Part 1

Tzioumakis, Y. (2020). Introduction to Part 1. In P. Kramer, G. Needham, Y. Tzioumakis, & T. Balio (Eds.), United Artists (pp. 15-18). London: Routledge.


Introduction to Part 2

Tzioumakis, Y. (2020). Introduction to Part 2. In P. Kramer, G. Needham, Y. Tzioumakis, & P. Balio (Eds.), United Artists (pp. 169-171). London: Routledge.


Journal of Greek Media and Culture

Aitaki, G., Papadimitriou, L., & Tzioumakis, Y. (Eds.) (2020). Journal of Greek Media and Culture (Vol. 6). Intellect.

Edited special journal issue


Acting Indie: Industry, Aesthetics, and Performance

Baron, C., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2020). Acting Indie. Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-40863-1


Converging Indiewood: Spike Jonze, Propaganda Films and the Emergence of Specialty Film Giant USA Films

Tzioumakis, Y. (2019). Converging Indiewood: Spike Jonze, Propaganda Films and the Emergence of Specialty Film Giant USA Films. In K. Wilkins, & W. Moss-Wellington (Eds.), ReFocus: The Films of Spike Jonze (pp. 46-64). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474447621.001.0001



Krämer, P., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2019). Introduction. In P. Krämer, & Y. Tzioumakis (Eds.), The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era (pp. xiii-xxvii). New York: Bloomsbury.



From Exploitation to Legitimacy: Easy Rider (1969) and Independent Cinema's Journey into Hollywood

Tzioumakis, Y. (2018). From Exploitation to Legitimacy: Easy Rider (1969) and Independent Cinema's Journey into Hollywood. In P. Krämer, & Y. Tzioumakis (Eds.), The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era (pp. 111-127). New York: Bloomsbury Academic.


The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era

Krämer, P., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2018). THE HOLLYWOOD RENAISSANCE: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era.



American Independent Cinema

Tzioumakis, Y. (2017). American Independent Cinema (Second ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.



From Independent to Indie: The Independent Feature Project and the Complex Relationship between American Independent Cinema and Hollywood in the 1980s

Tzioumakis, Y. (2016). From Independent to Indie. In Unknown Book (pp. 233-256). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118758359.ch10


Alternative and Independent Film and Politics: Introduction

Tzioumakis, Y. (2016). Alternative and Independent Film and Politics: Introduction. In Y. Tzioumakis, & C. Molloy (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics (pp. 325-327). doi:10.4324/9781315678863-45



Molloy, C., & Tzioumakis, Y. (2016). Introduction. In Y. Tzioumakis, & C. Molloy (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics (pp. 1-9). Abingdon: Routledge.


Politics 'Indie Style': Political Filmmaking and Contemporary US Independent Cinema

Tzioumakis, Y. (2016). Politics 'Indie Style': Political Filmmaking and Contemporary US Independent Cinema. In Y. Tzioumakis, & C. Molloy (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics (pp. 339-353). Abingdon: Routledge.


The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics

Tzioumakis, Y., & Molloy, C. (Eds.) (n.d.). The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315678863




Jacques Tourneur

Tzioumakis, Y. (2014). Jacques Tourneur. In Y. Tasker, & S. Leonard (Eds.), 50 Hollywood Directors (pp. 248-257). Abingdon: Routledge.


American Independent Cinema, Producers

Tzioumakis, Y. (2014). American Independent Cinema, Producers. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Website content


American Independent Cinema in the Age of Convergence

Tzioumakis, Y. (2013). American Independent Cinema in the Age of Convergence. Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines, (136), 52-66.

Journal article

The Time of Our Lives: Dirty Dancing and Popular Culture

Tzioumakis, Y., & Lincoln, S. (Eds.) (2013). The Time of Our Lives: Dirty Dancing and Popular Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.



Style Developing and Product Upgrading: Monogram Pictures, the Ambitious B Film and Joseph H. Lewis's Three Contributions to the East Side Kids Film Series

Tzioumakis, Y. (2012). Style Developing and Product Upgrading: Monogram Pictures, the Ambitious B Film and Joseph H. Lewis's Three Contributions to the East Side Kids Film Series. In G. D. Rhodes (Ed.), The Films of Joseph H. Lewis (pp. 11-37). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.


The 'Independent', the 'Indie' and 'Indiewood': Towards a Periodisation of Contemporary (post-1980) American Independent Cinema

Tzioumakis, Y. (2012). The 'Independent', the 'Indie' and 'Indiewood': Towards a Periodisation of Contemporary (post-1980) American Independent Cinema. In G. King, C. Molloy, & Y. Tzioumakis (Eds.), American Independent Cinema: Indie, Indiewood and Beyond (pp. 28-40). London: Routledge.


Reclaiming Independence: American Independent Cinema Distribution and Exhibition Practices beyond Indiewood

Tzioumakis, Y. (2012). Reclaiming Independence: American Independent Cinema Distribution and Exhibition Practices beyond Indiewood. Les Cahiers de l'Afeccav, (4), 1-10. Retrieved from

Journal article

American Independent Cinema: Indie, Indiewood and Beyond

King, G., Molloy, C., & Tzioumakis, Y. (Eds.) (2012). American Independent Cinema: Indie, Indiewood and Beyond. London: Routledge.


Hollywood's Indies: Classics Divisions, Specialty Labels and the American Film Market

Tzioumakis, Y. (2012). Hollywood's Indies: Classics Divisions, Specialty Labels and the American Film Market. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.



Academic Discourses and American Independent Cinema: In Search of A Field of Studies, Part 2 - The 1990s and beyond

Tzioumakis, Y. (2011). Academic Discourses and American Independent Cinema: In Search of A Field of Studies, Part 2 - The 1990s and beyond. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 9(3), 311-340.

Journal article

Academic Discourses and American Independent Cinema: In Search of A Field of Studies, Part 1 - From the Beginnings to the 1980s

Tzioumakis, Y. (2011). Academic Discourses and American Independent Cinema: In Search of A Field of Studies, Part 1 - From the Beginnings to the 1980s. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 9(2), 105-131. doi:10.1080/17400309.2011.556928

Journal article

Love, Truth and the Medium in sex, lies, and videotapes

Tzioumakis, Y. (2011). Love, Truth and the Medium in sex, lies, and videotapes. In R. B. Palmer, & S. M. Sanders (Eds.), The Philosophy of Steven Soderbergh (pp. 33-60). Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.


Greek Cinema: Texts, Histories, Identities

Papadimitriou, L., & Tzioumakis, Y. (Eds.) (2011). Greek Cinema: Texts, Histories, Identities. Bristol/Chicago: Intellect/University of Chicago Press.



From the Business of Cinema to the Business of Entertainment: Hollywood Cinema at the Age of Digital Technology

Tzioumakis, Y. (2010). From the Business of Cinema to the Business of Entertainment: Hollywood Cinema at the Age of Digital Technology. In R. C. Sickels (Ed.), American Cinema in the Digital Age (pp. 11-31). New Haven: Praeger Press.



Adapting 'Oleanna' for the Screen: Film Adaptation and the Institutional Apparatus of American Independent Cinema

Tzioumakis, Y. (2009). Adapting 'Oleanna' for the Screen: Film Adaptation and the Institutional Apparatus of American Independent Cinema. In J. Callens (Ed.), Crossings: David Mamet's Work in Different Genres and Media (pp. 139-161). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


The Spanish Prisoner

Tzioumakis, Y. (2009). The Spanish Prisoner. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.



Entertainment in the Margins: Orion Pictures Presents a Filmhaus Production of A David Mamet Film

Tzioumakis, Y. (2008). Entertainment in the Margins: Orion Pictures Presents a Filmhaus Production of A David Mamet Film. In R. C. Sickels (Ed.), The Business of Entertainment: Vol. 1 - Movies (pp. 153-177). New Haven: Greenwood Press.


Edgar G. Ulmer: The Low-end Independent Filmmaker par excellence

Tzioumakis, Y. (2008). Edgar G. Ulmer: The Low-end Independent Filmmaker par excellence. In G. D. Rhodes (Ed.), Edgar G. Ulmer: Detour on Poverty Row (pp. 3-23). Lanham: Lexington Books.


Performance in American Independent Cinema: David Mamet's Practical Aesthetics in Action (in Greek)

Tzioumakis, Y. (2008). Performance in American Independent Cinema: David Mamet's Practical Aesthetics in Action (in Greek). In C. Adamou (Ed.), The Actor between Stage and Screen (pp. 110-123). Athens: Kastaniotis.



Bridging Mainstream and Independent Cinema: The Question of Aesthetics in John Sayles's Early Films

Tzioumakis, Y. (2007). Bridging Mainstream and Independent Cinema: The Question of Aesthetics in John Sayles's Early Films. In K. Kontovrakis, & D. Mouzaki (Eds.), John Sayles (pp. 26-33). Thessaloniki: Thessaloniki International Film Festival.



Marketing David Mamet: Institutionally Assigned Film Authorship in Contemporary American Cinema

Tzioumakis, Y. (2006). Marketing David Mamet: Institutionally Assigned Film Authorship in Contemporary American Cinema. The Velvet Light Trap, 57, 60-75.

Journal article

The Poetics of Performance in the Cinema of David Mamet: Against Embellishment

Tzioumakis, Y. (2006). The Poetics of Performance in the Cinema of David Mamet: Against Embellishment. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 39(1), 88-99.

Journal article

American Independent Cinema: An Introduction

Tzioumakis, Y. (2006). American Independent Cinema: An Introduction. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.



Major Status, Independent Spirit: The History of Orion Pictures (1978-1992)

Tzioumakis, Y. (2004). Major Status, Independent Spirit: The History of Orion Pictures (1978-1992). New Review of Film and Television Studies, 2(1), 87-135. doi:10.1080/17400300410001679115

Journal article