Professional Activities
I hold several positions of trust within the wider community including refereeing research proposals for major funding bodies, publisher advisories and editorships, and conference chairing and organising in relevant fields. I joined the peer review panel for Diamond Light Source in 2020 and became the Panel Chair in 2022. I have refereed various research proposals for national and international funding bodies including the UK Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Medical Research Council (MRC), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Dutch Research Council (NWO), and India Alliance. The scope of the proposals ranges from large-scale capital bids to competitive fellowships. I am a member of the advisory board of Nanoscale Advanced Materials Engineering (NAME) programme, one of the largest consortiums in this field of the UK.
I was interviewed by AZO Nano for the International Women's Day in 2022. Read the interview article.