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Professional Activities

Here are the major collaborations, see more details on the personal webpage

2023 - 2025 The PI on the 2-year Royal Society International Exchanges Programme with Prof Nick Kotov at the University of Michigan, US.

2018 - 2023 The lead co-I at Liverpool on the EPSRC grant "Application-driven Topological Data Analysis" joint with Oxford and Swansea, UK.

2017 - 2019 The PI on the 2-year Royal Society International Exchanges Programme with Prof Herbert Edelsbrunner's group at IST Austria.

2017 - 2019 The lead of the Intel Parallel Computing Centre, which funded PhD student Grzegorz Muszynski via the Lawrence Berkeley National lab, US.

Since 2017 The main organiser of the Applied Geometry and Topology network (with Queen Mary and Southampton) funded the London Mathematical Society.

Conference Roles

  • Plenary 45-min talk at the conference on Applied Topology, Bedlewo (Poland) , by Invitation (Programme Committee of the Applied Topology conference, 2017)
  • Oral Communication at European Congress of Mathematicians 2016, by Invitation (Programme Committee of ECM 2016, 2016)
  • Keynote lecture at the "Prospects in Data Science" conference, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (University of Southampton, UK, 2016)
  • Oral Communication at International Congress of Mathematicians 2006, by Invitation (Programme Committee of ICM 2006, 2006)

Examination Roles

  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria, PhD qualifying exam for Ms Teresa Heiss (2019)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK (Knowledge Transfer Secondment) (2014 - 2016)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Carnegie Trust panel (Research Grant Assessor, 2018 - present)
  • EPSRC Peer Review College (Reviewer, 2017 - present)
  • Higher Education Academy (UK) (Fellow, 2009 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Lead of the subtheme "Data-driven Materials Discovery" in the University-wide theme Digital
  • Member of the Faculty-wide education committee in the Materials Innovation Factory