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Dr Vincent Page


My research focuses on the robust testing of autonomous systems through simulations. Autonomous systems are poised to play a significant role in our future, offering substantial benefits. However, their deployment must be preceded by a thorough understanding of their capabilities. My research addresses key questions regarding these systems:

- Under what conditions do they operate correctly?
- How do we define 'correct' behaviour?
- Can we test these 'correct' behaviours under various conditions?
- How do we verify and validate an autonomous system in a complex environment?
- Can this testing be robust in an uncertain and unknown world?
- Can defining 'correct' behaviour guide the design and development of autonomous systems?

I tackle these questions using a combination of modelling, simulation, and nature-inspired algorithms. Robust verification and validation of autonomous systems will enable their wider adoption across society.

Summary of Interests
- Modelling and Simulation
- Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Autonomous Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Numerical Methods
- Nature-Inspired Algorithms
- Optimization
- Simulation-Based Verification and Validation