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Uta Klein

Professor Uta Klein
Dr. rer. nat. MSc (Dipl.-Phys., Berlin, Germany), MInstP, FHEA


Director for Students Careers and Employability & Final year project work

Passionate about final year project work organisation, since 2008 BSc project organiser and HEP projects for Master of Physics (MPHYS), since 2009 lead of the project coordination team/project coordinator. BSc and MPHYS module organiser in 2017. Modern approach to project organisation with vast choice of projects for final year students (~2 project per student) implementing 'job-search' like elements. In 2016, introduction of individual industrial projects. Since 2011 involved in the group projects with industry.
I am supervising BSc and MPHYS students since many years.
Since 2018, I am the new Director for Students Careers and Employability developing strategic directions to enhance career options and other opportunities for our 'Liverpool graduates'.

Newly developed modules

Based on pilots with 'Introduction to Relativity' Course, I developed in 2012 a new 15-credit module 'Foundations of Modern Physics' (Y1, S2) with modern problem-based learning workshops using round tables and the electronic submission of handwritten homework.

Since 2015, I am teaching 'Advanced Quantumphysics' (Y4, S1) where I introduced active learning elements based on 'Quantum Labs', I also introduced new 'Quantum Clinic' workshops with multiple feedback options for the students encouraging team work.

Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research & Supervising PhD students and acting as academic advisor

Since many years, I am supervising PhD students. From 2015-2017, I was the Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research for Particle Physics, where I modernised the whole system with a strong focus to enhance feedback to the PGR students. I am an academic adviser since 2008.

Modules for 2024-25

PHYS250 - Year in Industry - Physics

Module code: PHYS250

Role: Module Co-ordinator

PHYS350 - Year in Industry - Physics

Module code: PHYS350

Role: Module Co-ordinator


Module code: PHYS309

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Supervised Theses