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Uta Klein

Professor Uta Klein
Dr. rer. nat. MSc (Dipl.-Phys., Berlin, Germany), MInstP, FHEA

Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • LHeC project: machine, physics case and prospects, by Invitation (Science board, 2014)
  • Higgs physics prospects at electron-proton colliders, by Invitation (International organising committee, 2014)
  • Higgs into heavy quarks, by Invitation (International organising committee, 2014)
  • Higgs Physics at a high luminosity LHeC, by Invitation (Local Committee, 2013)
  • The LHeC as a Higgs Facility, by Invitation (International Committee, 2013)
  • Precision NC and CC DY - HO EW corrections from an experimenter's view, by Invitation (Organising Committee, 2013)
  • HO QCD and HO EW Calculations for NC Drell Yan Production, by Invitation (ATLAS Collaboration, 2012)
  • Prospects for Higgs Physic at LHeC, by Invitation (International Committee, 2012)
  • W, Z/gamma production at ATLAS and determination of the strange sea quark density, by Invitation (ATLAS Collaboration, 2012)
  • LHeC Potential for BSM and Higgs Physics, by Invitation (International Organisation Committee, 2011)
  • Inclusive W/Z cross sections and the W charge asymmetry at LHC, by Invitation (Atlas and CMS Collaborations, 2011)
  • Recent W and Z results with Atlas, by Invitation (RHUL, London, 2011)
  • LHeC Potential for light SM Higgs Physics, by Invitation (University of Liverpool, 2011)
  • Recent Results from Atlas, by Invitation (Liverpool Atlas Group, 2011)
  • Higgs Boson at LHeC, by Invitation (International Organisation Committee, 2010)
  • Searching for a light Higgs in electron-hadron collisions at the TeV scale, by Invitation (International organisation committee, 2010)
  • New Physics at large Scales at an LHeC, by Invitation (International committee, 2009)
  • Production of an SM Higgs at an LHeC, by Invitation (LheC Steering Group, 2009)
  • Higgs Production at LHeC, by Invitation (LheC Steering Group, 2008)
  • QCD and Jets, by Invitation (International committee, 2008)
  • HERA - Results and Perspectives for the LHC, by Invitation (International committee, 2007)
  • Summary of PWG 'Diffraction and vector mesons', by Invitation (International committee, 2007)
  • On the implications of HERA on LHC physics, by Invitation (University Bonn, 2006)
  • Inclusive exploration of proton structure and QCD dynamics at HER, by Invitation (ZEUS and H1 Collaborations, 2005)
  • Highlights of EPS-HEPP05 conference - Part I, by Invitation (DESY, 2005)
  • HERA and the LHC: A workshop on the implications of HERA on the LHC physics, by Invitation (ZEUS Collaboration, 2004)
  • Effects of e+- polarization on final states at HERA, by Invitation (International committee, 2003)
  • Review of Vector Mesons and DVCS, by Invitation (ZEUS Collaboration, 2003)
  • Highlights of DIS03 Conference - Part III., by Invitation (DESY, 2003)
  • Status and Perspectives of Spin Physics, by Invitation (International committee, 2002)
  • Polarized Structure Functions, by Invitation (International committee, 2001)
  • Measurements of the Spin Structure Function g1 of the Proton and the Deuteron , by Invitation (HERMES Collaboration, 2000)
  • SPIN PHYSICS: SUMMARY, by Invitation (International committee, 2000)
  • Neues vom HERMES-Experiment zur Struktur des Nukleons, by Invitation (German Physical Society and HERMES Collaboration, 2000)
  • Extraction of polarized parton distributions at HERMES, by Invitation (HERMES Collaboration, 1999)
  • Spin Physics at HERA - The HERMES Experiment, by Invitation (HERMES Collaboration, 1997)
  • Measurement of the Polarized Neutron Structure Function g1n at HERA, by Invitation (HERMES Collaboration, 1997)
  • Measurement of the Proton Structure Function F_2 and Extraction of the Gluon Density xG(x,Q2) , by Invitation (Humboldt-University at Berlin, 1995)
  • Structure Function Measurements at HERA, by Invitation (H1 Collaboration, 1995)


  • Proceedings of XXV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects 3-7 April 2017, University of Birmingham, UK, (Chief Editor, 2017 - 2018)

Examination Roles

  • Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), PhD (2015)
  • University of Sheffield, PhD (2011)
  • University of Glasgow, PhD (2008)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • ATLAS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland (2007 - present)
  • ZEUS Collaboration, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (2002 - present)
  • HERMES Collaboration, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (1996 - 2002)
  • H1 Collaboration, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (1992 - 1996)
  • Low Temperature Solid State Group, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany (1987 - 1992)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Institute of Physics (Member, 2008 - present)
  • DESY Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss (scientific council) (Member, 2004 - 2006)
  • CERN SPS and PS experiments Committee (SPSC) (International Member, 2004 - 2007)
  • Womens equalisation council at DESY (Member, 2000 - 2004)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Director of Student Careers and Employability (since 2018)
  • Lead of Project Coordination Group/Project Coordinator (since 2009)
  • Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research (Particle Physics, 2015-2018)
  • JUNO Champion (2008-2012)